power lines.. how close is too close?


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it actually says nothing... try and be a little bit more descriptive... because what makes sense in your head may not make sense in someone elses.


Active Member
i've heard many say 'dont grow under power lines'

i dont plan on doing anything UNDER them, but would like to know how far one must get in order to be 'safe'


stays relevant.
Grow wherever you like. If you found a spot that works for you, grow there... but power lines can get serviced throughout the years and may result in the discovery of your plants... I think its more about power lines proximity to everything... and that if there are power lines, there is likely a business or home receiving that power somewhere not too far.


Well-Known Member
i've never seen dead foliage under power lines and what these others above are saying, lines are inspected often from the air????

yes often times after storms to find the damamged poles and whatnot in roadless areas such as the woods...


Active Member
ive seen powerlines that go straight through wooded areas and theyre always kept vegetation free by maintanence crews and stuff.

i wouldnt grow within a couple miles of them