Powdery mildew or early trich production?


This is Elmers Glue by Relentless Genetics at day 23 in flower. Buds have really started to swell in the last 3 days. Started noticing this light crystally dusting forming next to the buds yesterday. Has doubled today. Keep in mind, this is my first grow ever. I know that trichomes form all over the leaves around the buds as they mature. Just want to make sure its not PM. It's nowhere else on any leaves in the room except for around the buds. Did not smear or come off when I gently wiped it with a clean napkin. My humidity stays between 39 and 45%, as I live in western Colorado, and it is very dry here, and my temps consistantly between 69 and 74. I know its hard to see detail under the hps lighting. Any 2 cents is greatly appreciated.galaxy_s6_360[1].jpg


Well-Known Member
Don't worry looks like you have one frosty girl that's all. Very nice but maybe take pictures with the hps off next time for better clarity. Good luck


Well-Known Member
O I had PM u ain't Gon have to debate between the two cuz you'll see brownish/gray or yellowish spot but you'll know it's not good keep up the good work nice greens


Thanks for the input guys! Here are a cpl pics with and without flash under regular lighting. I've been very diligent about keeping things simple and clean. Just want to make sure nothing bad is brewing in case I needed to jump on it.galaxy_s6_375[1].jpg galaxy_s6_374[1].jpg