Pot on steriods


Well-Known Member
Bodybuilding with Cannabis
By Bart B
Some grow weed for their own pleasure while others grow it to make money.
Whatever the motivation, the most important thing is the same for all, and that is producing the largest and most potent heads. Also to learn from each crop so as to improve the next and increase the grams. Everyone thinks that their own crop is the best but occasionally you come across someone with a crop to die for. Heads bigger than your forearm, thick as your head and solid as stone. These are extreme cultivation successes and Bilbo takes full responsibility. Bilbo likes to let his plants flourish under extreme light intensity using the logic of light = weight!

You’d swear his plants are secretly working out when they should be sleeping – because these plants resemble baseball bats more than anything and it is hard to imagine that they got that way simply because of excessive light waves. 2L Cola bottles look small in comparison, honest! First impressions are that these plants must be on steroids, but they have simply been grown
in earth. Bilbo points out that you do not necessarily have to use hydroponics to achieve extreme buds. Bilbo has used hydroponics before, but never with these results. Good old earth is still full of surprises! As a starter, Bilbo had gone wholeheartedly into the whole hype surrounding hydro techniques that ensured sizeable heads. He was working with aeroponics and was hit
with a power failure that meant the ruin of his entire crop. After that he returned to solid earth. He was happy to leave all the fuss of pH and EC meters behind him. The stunning success of this particular crop has even Bilbo mystified. It cannot possibly be just the extra light intensity because this is not the first time Bilbo has applied his extra light method to a grow room and those heads had not been on the same scale as these.
For him, the amount of light a seedling is exposed to seems to be of the greatest importance. Seedlings that germinate outdoors are continually exposed to the intensity of the sun and do not suffer any negative effects. On the contrary; they flourish. The first few hours of a seedlings
life determine how it will develop later. Bilbo starts hanging his lamps at 1.80m and then slowly brings them closer to give the plants time to adapt to the light intensity.Out of the countless number of seeds available, Bilbo managed to find this winner – a combination of good genes and
plenty of light has resulted in these formidable heads. From a selection of 20 or 30 seeds, he managed to single out this phenomenal plant.



Well-Known Member
He was attracted to this particular plant by the size of the then up and coming buds and was satisfied that he had made a good choice. But then this
monster took all the attention by towering up above everything else in the room. Such a special plant is rarely found. This one is a Sweet Tooth 3 from Spiceoflifeseeds and it is tops on their list of quality seeds available. The taste is sublime and reminds one of sweet grapefruits. It might have even been possible to have produced even heftier heads than these as
Bilbo has just used ordinary potting soil from the normal garden center. With a quality soil mix he might have bumped up his gram total return even more. These plants had enjoyed 4 weeks of growth phase before flowering for 51 days. During growth he gave them 3000 watts and once in flowering they received 6400 watts. He lines the lamps up both vertically and horizontally and all of them have exhausts fitted to them to keep them air-cooled.
He also uses C02 generators that can put his room into 1500 PPM in just under three minutes. A digitised CO2 control gadget then keeps it that way. Every second hour the air in the whole room is changed completely in order to exhaust any gaseous fumes that may have built up. The whole room is constantly regulated by a number of climate controllers. Bilbo claims to make
carefully considered use of the CO2 for he notices a big change when he allows the temperature to really soar in the room. The most important thing to remember is to grow them hard with as much exposure to light as possible, from the moment they are seedlings up until the final harvest. To obtain results like these, you do have to have a number of factors under scrupulous
control and Bilbo does have that. Everything is arranged down to the smallest
detail, from climatic regulation to the feeding scheme. It is up to the grower to make optimum use of the intense light and the best way to achieve that is to coordinate all the factors involved. Be aware that bigger is not always better, even though it is human nature to want to improve continually. Bilbo has set the sights really high this time and yet he still wants to push the boundaries again. Fortunately Bilbo is a generous man and naturally wanting to share his joy and good fortune, he made clones from the monster and distributed them amongst some of his fellow farmers so that they too could share in the fun and produce their own extreme pleasure. I am also invited to join in the pleasure as I was sent a sample of these genes too. My expectations are already running high as I sit impatiently waiting for the flowering phase. Wishing you all much growing pleasure. Be sure to go nuts – go extreme!


Well-Known Member
Personally I think this is so awesome. What interests me most is his connection between growth and heat. I know from my past experience when my temps were high, my plants were happy and grew FASTER. I am not so sure you can do this though without co2.


Well-Known Member
wow in all my years of growing i have never seed cola's that big. You said you got you're hands on that strain?! if so grow the shit out of it buddy!


Well-Known Member
Isn't that the shit! I previously said my next grow will be without additional co2, but I am now having 2nd thoughts. Also, I am thinking of lining my walls with a couple banks of T-5's covered with chicken wire 2" off the lights so I dont have to worry about leaves touching the lights. What do you thing about that?


Well-Known Member
yes, the more I think about it, co2 was probably one of my more intelligent decisions that I've made.
That dude can grow some shit huh?


Well-Known Member
Mogie, it would be so cool to sit down with you one night and get toasty!

One thing that he mentions and has been nagging at me is HEAT.
I understand the rules are different when using co2, but heat really impacts a grow utilizing co2. I can't tell you the exact temp, but as the temp rises fairly high, the plants growth rate accelerates alot. To the extent that you can actually measure the difference in size in just several hours, like from morning til afternoon.

I also noticed that time of day plays a role in the plants "attitude". My lights came on at 6am during 12/12 and the temp would rise slowly as my exhaust was turned off. By about 9am the temp is pretty high, and the plants are doing there thing.

But come into the room between 10am and 1pm and the plants seemed to be going wild with growth, the leaves completely stretched out..soaking up the rays.

I know it sounds weird and you'd be right to accuse me of being high, but that facts still remain the same.
I understand co2 likes higher temps, even as high as 90 degrees. Would having the temps rise quicker result in even more growth?


Well-Known Member
Seems possible as long as the rise in temp was kept within certian boundaries (temps the plant can tolerate). Those temp increases and co2 release rates would have to tested to see which worked best with what. And that could get involved. You would need very controlled conditions to preform those tests.


Well-Known Member
you wer saying something about light even when they are seedlings. does that mean when im sprouting my seeds i should have light on them?


Well-Known Member
HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!!! Geez man I just got the biggest hard on looking at that, actually I think it even grew a couple of inches! LMAO

What are those like 2 lb effin Kolas????? THATS THE MOST INSANE SHIT I'VE EVER SEEN!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah very nice grow. but he uses alot of electricity to accomplish it. so theyrefore im happy for him but if you give me that much power i can show you resonable buds atleast compariable. at the end of summer ill show you guys what i can do outdoors thats how i started growing and. you will see atleast one pound colas on all of my plants.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Isn't that the shit! I previously said my next grow will be without additional co2, but I am now having 2nd thoughts. Also, I am thinking of lining my walls with a couple banks of T-5's covered with chicken wire 2" off the lights so I dont have to worry about leaves touching the lights. What do you thing about that?
I think if you can afford IT .. it will be the best THING you ever did.. side lighting does amazing things!!!!!