Pot, Cigarette Smoke Wreaks Havoc on Lungs


Well-Known Member
I dont smoke cigs, but for those of you that do, take this into consideration...

MONDAY, April 13 (HealthDay News) -- People who smoke cigarettes and marijuana increase their risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease almost threefold, but smoking pot alone doesn't seem to increase the risk of the deadly lung condition, researchers report.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive condition with no cure that's characterized by diseased lungs and narrowed airways. Most cases are caused by prolonged smoking, according to the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

"Anti-smoking campaigns should include a reduction in marijuana use among their goals, aiming especially at those who smoke both marijuana and tobacco," said study lead researcher Dr. Wan Tan, of the University of British Columbia and St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, Canada.

The findings were published in the April 14 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

For the study, Tan's team collected data on 878 people who participated in the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease (BOLD) Initiative, which was designed to identify the prevalence of COPD in people over 40.

The researchers found that smokers who use both marijuana and tobacco are 2.5 times more likely than nonsmokers to have respiratory disease and almost three times likelier to have COPD.

This combined effect suggests that smoking marijuana -- at least in relatively low doses -- may act as a "primer," or sensitizer, in the airways to amplify the adverse effects of tobacco smoke on respiratory health, Tan said.

"Smoking marijuana and cigarettes -- even small amounts -- is very harmful for your lungs, increasing the risk of COPD by several fold," Tan said.

Dr. Norman H. Edelman, scientific consultant to the American Lung Association, said he thinks smoking marijuana probably does cause COPD, but this study did not include enough marijuana smokers to draw that conclusion.

"Canada was a good place to do it as they are more relaxed about pot smoking, and it was likely to be easier to get cooperative subjects," Edelman said. "The most impressive finding is the synergism between tobacco and marijuana smoking."

"A modest amount of pot smoking added to cigarette smoking really knocks your lungs for a loop," Edelman added. "One wonders if this is a chemical synergism or behavioral -- those who smoke both pot and tobacco inhale each more deeply than those who smoke only tobacco."


Active Member
Yes, but that is why vaporizers are recommended. You can vap it, you can eat it, there are preparations that absorbed from under the tongue and probably some that go up your ass. There would be a lot more but our government has prevented the development of delivery systems, just as they did for legitimate research on its use.


Well-Known Member
Quote- "Anti-smoking campaigns should include a reduction in marijuana use among their goals"

You think so? Why would you desire to so much as breath a word that could cause damage to the marijuana reform movement? For every doctor who says one thing there is another to say he is wrong, who do you think brings these types of "studies" to public view? This is nothing more than more of the same crap the government has been doing for decades. How much money do you think it cost to do these studies? Who is paying the bill? Think!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm not tring to hurt the Gonja movement in the least.
I really couldn't care less about cig smoke (YUCK), I haven't smoked one since like 7th grade (should have been a joint instead).

I love hearing about cig smokers bitch about not being able to smoke in public and I think to myself "oh yeah it's so bad you get caught it's a ticket, I get caught I get a court date like I did something criminal".

I need a toke I haves a hang over.

Fallen Buckshot

im willing to bet even tobacco smoking isnt as bad as they claim .. I personaly believe its all in the way its grown, treated, and cured (chemicals) hell my granfather smoked and chewed tobacco for id say atleast 70+ years he lived to be 94. of course experts would have you believe that if he hadnt used tobacco at all he wouldve live to be 124 lol


Well-Known Member
im willing to bet even tobacco smoking isnt as bad as they claim .. I personaly believe its all in the way its grown, treated, and cured (chemicals) hell my granfather smoked and chewed tobacco for id say atleast 70+ years he lived to be 94. of course experts would have you believe that if he hadnt used tobacco at all he wouldve live to be 124 lol
Really? So sir do you drink the coolaid that the left side sells???


You really need to read on some facts about vig smoke, I know it's a harsh blow to those that smoke, BUT it's fact and it's something you will have to deal with.

Don't believe me, but you go ahead and smoke and we shall see you won't make it nearly as long as you think.

My grandfather smoked and died at 57....

Im sorry if I'm rude but I can't believe how flat out stupid some post can be.:fire::spew::wall:



Well-Known Member
His point I think was about all the chemicals and shit put into cigs that make them even more deadly than smoking natural tobacco itself like maybe granpa did 50 years ago.

Still doesn't make sense though cause it's proven any smoke is bad. (So sayeth the pack a day smoker 24/7 toker.)

That's ok, I don't think I want to live too long anyway and breathing is for pussies I'd rather have a tube up my nose or a machine to do that for me.


Well-Known Member
yeah I got his jist and I was kinda saying what you were or thinking it, but none the less right on.

I never cared for em they gave me headachs I didnt start gonja till I was 22