Post That Sack You Just Got

lol theres plenty of depaul students and randoms holding bud from dispensaries freshly delivered from fedex in the city, chilll kids too, no fights haha.


Well-Known Member

OZ of grandaddy, only 150 :)

Yes, it's an oz, the right side of the bag cut out some of the pic. Dense nugs, weighed out to 29 grams...


Active Member
Well captain there needs to be more people like you around the globe.

An extra gram is a big deal here. Ounces here are weighed to 28.35g they are full of sticks and often un-cured and a bit damp.

My dealer often tells me about when he gets 10oz he will lose 1oz in water and about 1/2oz in sticks. Thats 300 of his 2000 of my local currency gone before he even starts bagging it. 2g - 20 or 6g (lame excuse of a 1/4) is 50.