Pollen sack?!


Hey guys, I just recently put my plants into flower and they seem to be doing pretty well. Unfortunately, the fattest and bushiest one appears to be a male. It had these little balls forming around the 5th node and from what I've seen online they look like male preflowers. I rubbed one of them fairly gently and the thing just came off. It is very small, smaller than a pellet to an airsoft gun. Does this sound like a male plant, and if so could it have pollinated my other plants or are the sacks too immature. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have a male but unsure whether it would have been far enough along to make pollen.

Have any pics, it could help determine?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
It's hard to give accurate information without a picture. Did you get a picture of the little balls by any chance?


pic 1 is of the node where the little ball came off when I rubbed it. You can kind of make out a few other smaller balls. Pic 2 is the little ball that came off.


Well-Known Member
pic 1 is of the node where the little ball came off when I rubbed it. You can kind of make out a few other smaller balls. Pic 2 is the little ball that came off.
That does look like a male to me but not mature enough to make pollen.

I would get rid of it.