police brutality


Well-Known Member
Some facts from the Christian Science Monitor: http://www.csmonitor.com/2009/0528/p02s05-usju.html
There are so many people being tased right now... I bet every one of them is dramatic. We only like to see people in pain if it is choreographed in a movie or a video game. People get freaked out every time they see someone's eyes roll back in their head under high voltage. Or maybe their stomach gets a little sick when they hear a human skull crack on the pavement because they can't catch themselves when they fall. The UK has been firearm free for years. I think this video is a good argument for NO GUN CONTROL. But it's happening all over, so I guess just more people need to see this type of... torture? But seriously, the guy is lucky he wasn't catching a point blank 12 gauge bean bag to the chest or 2 or 3, followed op by about 15 tear gas balls to the neck, pepper sprayed and lit up with a full magazine of rubber bullets by a half dozen trigger-happy sharpshooters, just before they sic'd the dog on him. People will stand up to this sort of thing eventually. Wont they?


Well-Known Member
Eventually the people will stand up, its going to take a lot more beatings/slayings to get that to happen though. When it does all cops might want to quit the force, cuz even if you are an honorable cop you will still be shot and killed on sight. there are something like 880,000 police/sheriffs/Highway patrol people in the USA, there are 330 million people, of that perhaps half have the intestinal fortitude to attack someone or be able to defend ones self. so that gives us 170 citizens for every cop, thats very very bad odds for the cops. So you might say" But the wanker pigs have big guns". I know at least 4 people who have 10 times the firepower of any SWAT member. Almost every person I know can get a Firearm on short notice, whether they actually own one or not. If the economy doesn't start getting better your going to see things get worse and worse.