Please help us support Ron Paul

We are sick of the drug war and the lives that it ruins. As Obama continues to raid medical MJ facilities it is obvious he doesn't respect neither medicinal use or personal choice of individuals. Ron Paul an outspoken critic of the drug war with the record to back it up is the only politician trustworthy to do what he says. We are hoping that people from the MJ community will join us to help promote a massive fundraiser of Ron Paul on October 19th. Over 20,000 people are already participating in an attempt to fight the blatant media blackout and bias. Will you help us?

-The Ron Paul Grassroots

PS: Here is a video of Ron promoting full repeal of MJ prohibition (


Active Member
That it needs to operate at a more local level with increased choice and flexibility. Money should stay more on a local level rather than being sent to washington and then only getting a percentage back.
thank you for a real reply. That sounds appealing, ill have to go do more research on it.


Well-Known Member
thank you for a real reply. That sounds appealing, ill have to go do more research on it.
he wants to do away with the department of education, actually.

the whole sending it to a local level rhetoric is basically his way of saying that if your state wants to teach children that baby jesus is the magical answer to everything, then that state should be allowed to do so. forget facts and science if that gets in the way of your local area's agenda.

i happen to think that a uniform set of standards in education is a good idea, ron paul doesn't mind though if one state wants to teach children that evolution is fantasy and false.


Well-Known Member
here ron paul talks about how the goal is to privatize all schools, or, in other words ABOLISH public schooling.


he doesn't seem to mind prayer in school.

at other times, he has stated that "education is not a right".

the man is bat shit insane.


Well-Known Member
here ron paul talks about how the goal is to privatize all schools, or, in other words ABOLISH public schooling.


he doesn't seem to mind prayer in school.

at other times, he has stated that "education is not a right".

the man is bat shit insane.
I think it's bat shit insane that you think it's bat shit insane. How about them apples?


Well-Known Member
I think it's bat shit insane that you think it's bat shit insane. How about them apples?
name me a few strong, wealthy, industrialized nations that don't have public schools, but only private ones.

do you honestly think that abolishing public education would be a good thing?


Well-Known Member
The president can get rid of No Child Left Behind, btw which most teachers I know personally think is crap (and I worked as a substitute for a while), because it is at a federal level.


Well-Known Member
The president can get rid of No Child Left Behind, btw which most teachers I know personally think is crap (and I worked as a substitute for a while), because it is at a federal level.
that would not satisfy ron the paul. he might like that, but his goal is to get rid of public schools entirely.

makes sense, seeing as how ron paul is a JBS wingnut and public schools are one of the planks of the communist manifesto. the man is so comically old that he is still worried about the commies.