Please help, not sure whats going on.


Active Member

Auto Blueberry...just over a week old. In Promix HP, under 250w hps 18/6, gave first dose of FF Big Bloom two days ago...

It looks happy and green, but the curling up AND droop of the tip has me a little concerned....

Any thoughts? Or is this normal?


Well-Known Member
It looks great to me. I see nothing to worry about...unless you have more pic's that show what your talking about


Well-Known Member
How much tiger bloom you give it in veg? Shouldn't you gave it Big Grow? I don't use fox farm nutes any more yeah their cheaper than advance nutes but can't compare to advance ~


Active Member
I gave it Big Bloom, not Tiger Bloom....1 TSP per gallon of water, got about 1/4 gallon on Monday

Just checked on her, and the leaf in question has very much more pronounced cupping, and the leaf tip is yellow, when a few hours ago it was green?

I'm thinking PH issues, but isnt Promix supposedly PH corrected? Possible nute burn, or maybe a watering issue?


Active Member
Sounds like N overdose.
It would appear that way...but she hasnt has any N yet. Big Bloom is very low at N, and I mixed a very low concentrate. I was also under the impression that Promix HP has no nutes in it to start. I'll monitor closely for the next day or two. Will update tomorrow with pics.


Well-Known Member
wow dude you are feeding your plant at just over a week old and at that size ....LOL u need to do some more reading brother.your plant is way to small for more feed BESIDES the are killing your plant buy feeding it that shit. u shouldt have feed that plant until its about 4-6 weeks old is sooo tiny and have fed it all that chemical feed....what wouldnt struggle. ....


Well-Known Member
just give her a flush and don't feed her nutes until next next waterin or two, soil has enough in it already for good beginning growth. still off to a great start! good luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
typical sign of a slight nutrient burn...not saying nitrogen !!!!!!! but buy the discolouration of the top leaves it is deff a" toxicity" of a certain macro/micro element.just for example mate to much calcium will lock out potassium which when potassium is locked out will lock out other nutrients and so on that is why its best to get the problem solved ASAP, pm me if u need help bro


Active Member
I did forget to mention these are autos.....had posted a thread over there but got very little feedback. Appreciate all yours here tho! Since they are autos....I wanted to start nutes asap...and according to all my research , did what others have done ( VERY LOW concentrate of nutes at week 1 and slowly building up) My mix of Big Bloom was at 1/6th the suggested rate be Fox Farms.

Shouldnt Promix HP have NO nutes in it, seeing at its technically a soilless mix?


Active Member
Still fighting a bit to nail down what these plants need.... I'm leaning towards a Cal/Mag issue, but not's how they look now: BB day 16 2.jpgBB day 16.jpgWW day 16 2.jpgWW day 16.jpg some leaves are DARK green, some have yellowing starting at the veins, some are twisting and curling....any solid advice would be most excellent.