Please Help Identify Sex!


Well-Known Member
So I had 5 Jack Herrer seeds from BDS (feminized).. I planted 4 of them with the help of my cousin who decided not to take any type of care of the plants and 3 of 4 died within the first month. The last one I took into my care and since then I've tried to maintain a better growing environment.

To cut the story short, after another month of vegging (about two weeks ago at most) I put the 1 & a half foot Jack to flower.. It's my first grow and at first I thought I saw pistons or whatever but just earlier I checked the plant and I saw a few little white flowers opened that when touched powder dropped from them. My heart immediately dropped as I thought "pollen". :sad:

Please confirm the sex of this plant for me before I tear it to shreds for wasting about two months+ of my times.. photo.JPG


Well-Known Member
Argh I'm pretty fucking pissed.. I'm going to attribute this fail to light stress and it's rough start as a seedling..

Thanks for confirmation Grorite.
I know how you feel man! My first grow I grew a kush plant for about 2 months in veg it was 3ft tall and it turned out to be a male, I wasted all those expensive hydro nutes and time. Keep growin is all I can say!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.. I'm going to cut this bitch up into pieces, clean out the box, and put a couple bag seeds to germinate..

Saving that last Jack Herrer seed for DWC in about a month. :wall:


Active Member
I have done many grows and have only ever produced 2 males...both from bag seed. Get some feminized seeds and do a grow in soil. Get a successful grow under your belt. Then try the DWC you can sit and watch them grow while smoking quality cannabis that you grew, no better high EVER!

The way I see it cannabis with seeds was likely mass produced for commercial street sales. The grower was more interested in profit than growing quality medicine. Who knows what the genetics are etc. I do not do my own breeding so I have no need to grow seeds. There are literally 1,000's of strains to choose from already available. So why bother.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately this male came from Fem seeds from BDS, from which I only have one seed left. I think it's rough start as a seedling really fucked it over.. All of it's fan leaves had fallen off and everything before I took it into my care.

I'm just germinating these bag seeds because I'd like to have a successful grow before starting something more complicated like DWC, like you said. Hopefully I get at least one fem out of these 3 seeds. :-o

Thanks for the support guys.. Definitely making this disappointing discovery not as bad.