Please help answer a few quick questions!

I have about 50 x reasonable quality 'bagseed'.

I have a few problems, though. First off, I can't grow at my residential address, so if I were to grow I would have to undertake a guerrilla-style growing operation.

I have read about what to look for in a grow site, but I haven't yet found a spot.

I live in the tropics, a very ideal outdoor growing climate. However, there is a 'rainy season' which occurs from around 25 December to mid-March. This is not an ideal time to plant as it's almost continuously (or unpredictably) raining, and often heavily. So, then, would April be an alright month to begin planting? From April onwards it should be sunny days every day right up until December again.

Also, if I were to begin germination April 1st, roughly how long would it take to go from seedling to harvest? (Which month might I be able to expect to be able to harvest?) -- I know the answer to this question is greatly variable so just a rough answer will do.

Also, the average day length in April where I live is about 11 Hours, 55 Minutes. Is this an ideal day length? I've heard that this might be a problem because of autoflowering or something, but it should be OK with bagseed, right?

I have been into the rainforest here to hunt for spots and I came out of the jungle-like rainforest covered in mosquito bites, I had a MASSIVE 'huntsman' spider jump on me -- I crossed paths with a freakishly big Goanna (tropical lizard, almost bigger than me...) etc. How can I manage to grow in this kind of environment without being annihilated by the surrounding nature? It's as though everything in tropical Australia is out to kill you... advice please! :sad:


Active Member
Hey sorry to hear about those conditions bro, but you will have to start them inside no matter where u want to start your spot starting them from seed outside drops your germination rate greatly and the outside elements will kill of allot of your little guys, so u nees to start them approx 1-2 months before you are going to put them outside so they can get a good root base for the transplant to your outside spot.


Well-Known Member
Just the image of someone going through all that is giving me the chuckles XD Spiders, giant lizards etc.
First off if you want some big girls then I wouldn't plant them until after your night time hours are below 12 hours to avoid flowering. If you plant them that early they'll be slow at first and then blow up when the day time hours increase.
You won't be able to harvest until they flower and go through all that. Which also depends on your dark hours (12 or more hours of dark) They should flower in the fall season in your area.
I suggest reading up on some of the sticky threads in the newbie area of the forums =)
If you absolutely cant start them at your home then I say just take a bucket or wide pot of soil out there beforehand and have it waiting and ready for seedlings. Then the night before you go to plant them just soak your seeds in a bottle of water or something portable. Should up your germination rate because they'll be soaking up water and starting their thing. Then take it out there, plant the little guys, water and hope for best results. Just make sure to space them far enough apart that their roots won't get tangled in each other. Return in about 5 days to a week. You should have lots of sprouts with that many seeds.
In the time being just prep enough holes (or pots if you're going that rout) and have them ready to go. You might be surprised if you throw 50 or so beans in and you all the sudden have to dig 30ish holes for them lol. It's not easy work by any means.
Leaving seedlings outside will make them prime targets for slugs (not sure if that's a problem there) so buy a box of salt and make a ring around your seedling pot. Then safeguard against other little critters that might get to them.
Invest in some insect repellent to keep the little bloodsuckers off you. and dress to do so.
As far as giant lizards and other harmful animals that COULD harm you just make a spear or something?
Thanks for the input guys.

My only question now is this: IF I were to plant these beans, return in a week to find 30 (or roughly so) had sprouted, then dig 30 holes, could I more or less leave them to do there thing? Like if I visit them with water say only once a week do you think they would be alright?

The wild life here is crazy, I think something like 80% of the worlds species live in this rainforest. There's 9 of 10 venomous snakes living here too, and I've come across a few snakes recently. I still think it could be worth it if I don't have to check them too often...
Man I really want to plant these beans but I'm thinking if I wait until March to plant them I could get something really decent going. I just can't really start them indoors and I ain't sure where to start them off since I got lots of neighbors and shit and I haven't yet figured out a spot. I might buy some special clothes for bush-walking so I don't get raped by the wildlife.

If I were to plant these seeds straight into the outdoors and visit them twice a week for the first month or so do you guys think they would do alright on there own after that? I got some chicken wire I can throw up and I would still visit them say once every week. What you guys think???

EDIT: I know this kinda "hands-off" approach sounds sad and less likely to be successful but that's why I'm asking for more advice, and I really can't think what else to do...


Well-Known Member
you could make a cold frame to protect the little ones from the environment. cold-frame01-at440-by-g.e.sattler.jpg
you'll have to go and water them on an as needed basis, and once they get hardened you can remove the coldframe and that way when it rains u can skip traveling to em to water.
Most things are gonna be pretty common sense for ya.For instance, after u take off the coldframe, and it rains super hard you might wanna go check on em and fix any broken limbs or wat have u. but all in all you can do the cold frame to start em in the "jungle" and take it off once their big enough, and water when necessary. (usually every 3-5 days depending on temp/rain intervals.)
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New Member
Yea man, you need to paint your face don a loin cloth get a bow and go injun on they butts. Don't let killer lizards stop you. Get a dog, and take him with you. problem solved.
Imma bet you don't have to worry too much about the critters, just watch where you step and be ready to bite back.
First off let me sag this, WAIT UNTIL YOU MOVE OUT TO GROW. if you do get your plants going and they come out great
Where are you going to trim and dry your oh so smelly fresh bud? How are you going to manage 30+ plants
If you cant start them off somewhere that you can easily get to on a day to day basis? Are you going to tote
15 gallons of water through the rainforest because its extremely hot and dry there (as you said) ...

Okay rant over.

All that aside, ill help you. You're going to need a starter soil, about 5-6 bags for how many plants you suggested.
Start them off relatively close to your house in egg cartons. Don't poke holes in the bottom and just make sure they
Stay moist. The next few days you can transplant them out of that and take them your next spot. Dig about a 2x1 hole
Fill it halfway with soil and then do a thin layer of the native dirt and then the rest soil. Make sure its not packed and dont flood it because it will make your soil too compact. Once you've made it to this point, let nature take over and make sure they're watered.

Goodluck, you'll need it but riu community is always here


Well-Known Member
That seems like a bit too much (Work?) fucking around. I don't have a car, I'm not about to go buy the raw materials and build one of those boxes. I still live with my parents is the main reason I can't grow at home, the second is I don't have any back yard or land, living in an apartment complex.

. The rest I will just throw in the dirt somewhere and if they live, they live, if they die, that's not a problem to me.

Where I live we get a monsoonal troph (rainy season) as I explained so, it rains non-stop (as it is now) for a period of about 2-3 months, then like clockwork it stops and the remainder of the year is dry humid and hot. .
Well if you still live w/ ur an apartmaent of all places! You have no business starting any such activity until ur out of thier place.

Another thing, this is not an easy task.......thinking you'll b able to throw some random seeds in a small hole and come out w/ much of anything besides a headache is a fantasy!

I suggested the coldframe becuase of the monsoons u described. You make it out of 4 boards and a piece of plexi glass. How hard is that? It would protect the little ones during the rainmy season, then u could take it off when the dry months hit.

And last but not least: "Just throwing some in the ground and if they die they die" is bad karma.

First off let me sag this, WAIT UNTIL YOU MOVE OUT TO GROW. if you do get your plants going and they come out great
Where are you going to trim and dry your oh so smelly fresh bud? How are you going to manage 30+ plants
If you cant start them off somewhere that you can easily get to on a day to day basis? Are you going to tote
15 gallons of water through the rainforest because its extremely hot and dry there (as you said) ...

Okay rant over.

All that aside, ill help you. You're going to need a starter soil, about 5-6 bags for how many plants you suggested.
Start them off relatively close to your house in egg cartons. Don't poke holes in the bottom and just make sure they
Stay moist. The next few days you can transplant them out of that and take them your next spot. Dig about a 2x1 hole
Fill it halfway with soil and then do a thin layer of the native dirt and then the rest soil. Make sure its not packed and dont flood it because it will make your soil too compact. Once you've made it to this point, let nature take over and make sure they're watered.

Goodluck, you'll need it but riu community is always here
Point taken. Ideally I would like to move out before beginning my grow. I'm not in a position to do that yet, though. (Maybe soon, I start work in a week and I am going to save most of my wages). If I had my own place I would do everything by the book and get the right equipment, etc. Especially if it was a successful grow, I'd be very happy if I was able to pull off a successful grow, but since I've never done this, well, the rest you can guess. It's a learning process though. If I did start my grow here, though, growing it and keeping it secure and private (making sure nobody discovers it or becomes aware of my activity) would be the hardest part. As to harvest, I have friends houses that are very secure for that, who have parents that literally wouldn't really give a fuck. If I got to that stage I'd just cut it down in the forest, put it in garbage bags roughly and take it to my mates house. You're right though, all of this probably isn't realistic. I have a lot of seeds though, I might just test things out by starting off a few beans and see how I go. Thanks for your advice, though. I know growing is a risky operation, and I know I've been being kinda naive about it.
Well if you still live w/ ur an apartmaent of all places! You have no business starting any such activity until ur out of thier place.

Another thing, this is not an easy task.......thinking you'll b able to throw some random seeds in a small hole and come out w/ much of anything besides a headache is a fantasy!

I suggested the coldframe becuase of the monsoons u described. You make it out of 4 boards and a piece of plexi glass. How hard is that? It would protect the little ones during the rainmy season, then u could take it off when the dry months hit.

And last but not least: "Just throwing some in the ground and if they die they die" is bad karma.


Ok ok ok, I GET IT.

I should inform you though, "thinking you'll b able to throw some random seeds in a small hole and come out w/ much of anything besides a headache is a fantasy!" -- A close friend of mine did exactly this and got a reasonable harvest. He put some germinated seeds into about 3" of soil in the wild and left it and almost completely forgot about it. He came back to the spot six months later and had one plant that was almost seven feet tall. I have seen pictures of his plant before he cut it down (only one grew successfully) and his harvest and he ended up making over $1,000 from the single tree. He then invested that money that he made into stocks and has made a shitload off his investment(s) and has now eliminated the risk by going completely legitimate. He quit growing, and has become increasingly rich ever since. He's got a new car that cost him about $20k and he often tells me of how that single plant ended up financing said car and always tells me how thankful he was that he never got caught growing and now earns every dollar legally, and all those dollars he claims stem from that one initial plant.

So no, I don't agree with you there, not at all, as I've seen evidence to the contrary and I highly doubt this is a one-off special case. Sure, people get lucky, but I know others have made a fortune from growing too. He's not the kinda guy to stretch the truth and has shown me photographic evidence, and I haven't materialized any of the things he has told me or stretched the truth by any means so there.

Anyway, aside from that I took your point(s) on those other things, so duly noted. Except for: I am not a Bhuddist, don't believe in "karma" and I still think the cold-box would have been a waste of time and money and wouldn't have served me well enough for the man hours spent earning money to pay for the box and then assemble it. (I'm also very good with building things, I took carpentry classes at high school and my grandfather was a carpenter, my father a builder, so I understand this shit for the most part.) Anyway, not trying to offend you, just being honest here with my thoughts. I'm sure the cold-box idea has served certain people well and done some good, just not for me I suppose.

I didn't even know you were subbed, but whatever. I'm not here for subscriptions I mostly just want to learn about these things and keep my freedom in tact.