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  • Hey NH! I am new to this forum but I ran into your thread on the 240 gi grow and I am presently looking at buying one. I had a few questions if you dont mind me asking. How many can fit into the 240 without overcrowding? I am told that the unit does not come with a ballast. What size of lighting would you recommend? I am debating between the bc northern lights or a vertical unit. Any suggestions or wisdom you would like to share with me would be appreciated. thanks!

    You replied to one of my posts in the aero section.
    You said I should move it.
    Did I do my post in the wrong section ?
    I thought I built an aero flo machine like the one that is soild by General Hydroponics.
    The pics I saw of those volksgardens, are those yours!? Holy crap! What are your yields? how long have you had them? how do you like them? tell me about it please. I am envious of you!
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