!!..i think she's dying!


Well-Known Member
..sorry I took so many but I wanted to take some pics outside the light also since the light from the lamp might make her look more healthy than she is but I could be wrong. Should I take the next pics of her under the light or outside?



Well-Known Member
The plant is looking better in health but i think you might still be overwatering,the next time you check then decide its time to water hold off watering one extra day,i'd like to see those leaves holding up in the air more,kinda like they are reaching for the light.

Its still a little dropy but looking better overall,your on the right track just give her an extra day between waterings the next few times & lets see if we cant get those leaves to perk up more.


Well-Known Member
... but why would you say this is necessary exactly? I have some perierre here so...
Spraying plants with soda water is not needed,its more of gimmik than anything else & not in the plants best interest,there is a craze where everybody wants to increase co2 levels being thats part of what plants need,the gimmicks range from home made bottles of yeast & sugar to buckets sold in hydro shops full of yeast they sell for $100 a bucket.

The only form of increased co2 that has been proven to speed up plant growth is in a precisely controled & regulated enviroment, under carefully controled atmospheric conditions, with exact parts per million of co2,this method requires bottled co2 gas controled with a regulator & a controler that reads parts per million,this method also requires alot more lighting than most growers have in their grow rooms in order for the plant to be able to use the co2,any other method is a gimmik that is not proven & most likely a waste of time.

Im not trying to slam this guy but spraying the plants with "soda water" is not a technique that is recognized or used by experienced growers anywhere.

Its best to stick with the basics & to keep it simple.


Active Member
Ive read some prize rose growers swear by lighting candles in their green houses to promote oxigen - CO2 conversion. though as stated above sticking to the basics will be far more productive than soda water or a candle....

i do it pretty often with those little table paraffin wax candles, really quick and easy...just definitely dont use a candle that has a scent or another purpose other than light for fear of other gases.


Well-Known Member
... helpful as always. I'll hold off on the watering a day like you said. I was suspicious about those drooping leaves also. Especially how they curl at the tips. I still have to rinse tomorrow and the day after give her one more foliage feeding with the 30% solution right? And is there any credence to the candle technique? I got some regular household wax ones here just in case.


Well-Known Member
... helpful as always. I'll hold off on the watering a day like you said. I was suspicious about those drooping leaves also. Especially how they curl at the tips. I still have to rinse tomorrow and the day after give her one more foliage feeding with the 30% solution right? And is there any credence to the candle technique? I got some regular household wax ones here just in case.
Yes there is truth to it,the thing is that all thesee type things are ways or tricks to try & push a little more out of a healthy plant,your plant has been a little sick & should be sticking to the basics,if for notihng else just so you can keep track as to what yo've done & still need to do.

Keep up on your foliar feeding & rinsing,plus keep a carefull watch on how often you water her & all should be fine,the only thing i see wrong at this point is she's a little droopy from a wet root system,other than that she's kickin ass.


Well-Known Member
i grow chronic mr green swears by spraying with soda water and hes a pro only can spray in veg

check himout on youtube


Well-Known Member
i grow chronic mr green swears by spraying with soda water and hes a pro only can spray in veg

check himout on youtube
Ive saw everything mr green has ever published,i never said it was bad either,99% of the reason most noobs have a hella hard time with their first few grows is that they try & do too much,this leads to a complicated grow,it also leads to confusion,a new grower should stick to the bare essentials not advanced methods,the biggest hurdle a new grower has is to finish their first grow with healthy plants & harvest buds,after that is when things like supplemental co2 or advanced techniques should be thought about.

We see new growers here all the time using shake n bake home made co2 devices when they have not even completed a grow,then later on in the grow their freaking out with problems,you ask them to give all the details of the grow & the more you talk with them the more we find out they are doing everything they've ever read or heard about growing weed,they spray epsom salts on the plant,spray soda water,foliar feed,lighty candles in the room,use fox farm nutes & soil & in the end have done so much there is no way to fix the multitude of problems.

If your a new grower reading this the best thing you can do is to stay away from any of these treatments,no matter what is on a youtube video,keep it as simple as possible & you will harvest good buds,or try t speed up the process & most likely end up with problems.


Well-Known Member far as feeding goes, I was wondering if you wanted me to keep up the foilage feeding since you mentioned that you wanted to see her without water for a few days because of overwatering suspicions. Last night I just rinsed her off with plain 6.7 ph water. Tonight I'll give her a third foilage feeding and then the next day I'll rinse her off again and put her to sleep for 6hrs., from 12am to 6am, same as I'll do tonight, completing the three day foilage feeding and rinsing you suggested. Am I supposed to be doing the foilage feeding and rinsing before I put her to sleep since you said she should be in the dark 3hrs. and be left to dry completely? That way she dries off completely and the light schedule isn't interrupted? That's probably how you wanted me to do it in the first place right? I haven't got a light timer yet but I will diligently follow the light schedule from now on. Promise. I'll await further instructions on watering after I give her a final rinsing tomorrow night due to the overwatering suspicions. Here's how she's looking tonight before her third foilage feeding. Still looking pretty droopy and discoloration seems to be in control although I've spotted yellowing on about 2 upper tier leaves just above the infected ones. I hope these pics help and I hope I'm not too far from getting her 100% healthy. Thanks for the responses everyone and as always you Panhead. Have a good night everybody..:weed:



Well-Known Member
Yup,keep the foliar feeding on track,its like a shot in the arm for the plants giving whats needed straight to the leaves.

Foliar feed a few minutes before lights off & let them dry in the dark.

After you water one more time with plain ph'ed water we'll start feeding her through the soil in small amounts,be sure to let the soil become extra dry,if i am correct that your still overwatering just a bit you'll notice her leaves perk up in another few days without water.

Dont worry about underwatering,i know its hard not to worry but underwatering is extremely quick & easy to correct with a single watering,where as overwatering does permanent damage to the plants roots.


Well-Known Member
Good Afternoon Panhead,
Hope everything is well with you and yours. Well, here's the latest pics. I took some before I gave her the final rinse last night and this morning I took these under the light. The discoloration doesn't seem to be spreading although I notice the tips of the newer leaves begin to yellow ever so slightly and still curl downwards a bit. And I've been faithfully keeping the 18/6 hr. light schedule as promised. So today we start feeding through the soil?

And here's something that I thought of last night as I put her to bed. I didn't even realize that I was closing her off at night when I put her to sleep, closing the window in the grow room, zipping up the tent, no fan going. Could this be part of the problem? Was I suffocating her at night? With this in mind, last night I left the window open. I didn't leave the smaller fan running inside the zipped up tent because of the rinsing I gave her and I wanted her to dry off naturally and not by the fan itself. So here's the question, what conditions should the plant be under at night when she sleeps? As far as fans going, windows open, air circulation..that sort of thing. I have one big pedestal fan which I use for air circulation in the grow area and one small one I use for stem movement. Well, that's all I can think of for now. I'll be awaiting further instructions from you concerning the new feeding schedule. Thanks and have a great day my friend, and to everyone else on the forums also..:weed:(the pics on the tile floor are from last night and the rest are from this morning)



Well-Known Member
...and these are the ones from this morning... I tried to take a solid pic of the soil but my camera is acting kooky again. I'll probably have to buy a new one...crap. But from what I can see, the soil around the stem is still kinda moist while the rest of the soil on the outer edges is pretty dry.

