Plasma and 1000w grow


Active Member
cut a plant and a LSD branch top off. The one plant was finished. The other is no where close. It had a shit load of red hairs so I wanted to check out how finished it might be (figured a small top as opposed to a whole plant would be better.



Active Member
Ok more pics. Still moving slower than I'd like as I'm at day 75 of 12/12 and nothing's really finished although a couple of the plasma plants are almost done and the LED's are finally starting to move along. The heat streak has slowed me way the fuck down. Also, the topped LSD's are still not shooting off pistils. The others are stretching towards the lights but they seem to be happy.

Also, got a grow tent on the way and I will be throwing my 1k up in it, in my garage (had to fight for wifey approval) once it's not ridiculously hot.



Active Member
Nice man. Looks like a nice big honker bud u got there
it was kind of meh. I cut both of them too earlier. The bigger bud and full plant could have went a couple more days and filled out a little more. Dry it came in at just a bit over 10 grams. The LSD nug is no where close to ready but still gets me high as fuck (tastes like shit though. way too green.)


Well-Known Member
looking good bro..
the heat really messing with flowering, i have the same issues like a few months no going to cut mone


Active Member
LSD is still lagging and probably has at least 3 weeks left. The unknown purp strain has a couple days left. Still have 4 plants under the plasma that have anywhere from a couple days to a week or longer.


Active Member
Ugh disaster strikes. I figured out why some of the LSD are lagging. It's cause they fucking hermed and self polinated. I'm so fucking pissed about that right now. Yesterday, I took the tops of the purp strain and left the bottoms to mature a little bit more and noticed that some of the LSD looked like it was forming seeds. I shook it off and kept working.

Well, earlier tonight, I go out to do some more work and make sure everything is alright and I just can shake the feeling that those were seed pods. I decided to break a few open and sure enough there were motherfucking premature beans in there.

It is kind off odd though. None of the purp strain was pollinated despite being right next to the LSD and some of the LSD didn't pollinate. At this point, I'm waiting for the plasma plants to finish and then I will chop everything and try to get my moms growing fast so I can get another round in there by the end of September.


Active Member
So, at this point, the plasma has definitely performed better (not the LEDs fault). Despite the heat, I have one plant almost dried that weighs 55 grams. I already took an immature plant that weighed 10. I have another plant under it that looks like it will have at least an ounce and a half, one that has at least an ounce, one that's about a half and one that will probably be chopped earlier.

I will probably take about 2 ounces of the purp strain and maybe an ounce of LSD that hasn't been pollinated.

Little discouraged by the results right now, but next batch will be better. The heat streak I'm dealing with should break within the next two weeks.


Great journal. Plasma is an exciting new tech. Just need them to tune in the spectrum with more red and it will be a great alternative to HPS. Looking forward to checking back on this thread.


Well-Known Member
Dude that sucks about the lsd.

I would never grow any barneys gear personally. Sounds like all the nanners were inside the buds. Lucky no pollen got out.

its awesome you finally can say "the plasma is better". I kinda knew it was gonna be. Its the next thing. In a few more years it will be the top of the line shit. Will still be very expensive for a good while tho.


Active Member
Dude that sucks about the lsd.

I would never grow any barneys gear personally. Sounds like all the nanners were inside the buds. Lucky no pollen got out.

its awesome you finally can say "the plasma is better". I kinda knew it was gonna be. Its the next thing. In a few more years it will be the top of the line shit. Will still be very expensive for a good while tho.
Yes, the plasma performed wonderfully. I took down two more of the plants today and they'll probably be a 45 gram plant and a 14 gram plant dry. The buds on them were fantastic. I'm trying to get my hands on another plasma but Luxim (as per most reviews) is in no hurry to get back to my friend.