Plants shirvel at the top


Whats goin one everyone my plant are 4 weeks old from seed. I woke up this morning and my babies where looking shirvel and felt kinda dry.
I flush them with distilled water and check the ph which was 6.7 and the ppm 360 after flush, before flush i have no idea. Im growing in rockwool flood and ebb (no slabs). Temp 69-80 humidity 40-50 %. Can someone please tell me something? Im lost! O yea the white spots are CO2 spray



Well-Known Member
First thing Ph too high for hydro and secondly you need to move the light about 3 more inches away it should help.


3 by 3 tent, ebb and flow 6 inch booster intake, 6inche vortex (with dimmer to adjust speed, circulating fan. Feed advanced nutrients jungle juice. I was thinking i overfeed them since its my first grow. I just start flushing wt distilled water 6.2 yesterday and i repot them in 2 gallon grow bags with hydroton (I WASH THE HYDROTON)IMG_20121001_172517.jpgIMG_20121001_172458.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sorry, had to burn 1 right quick. OK first off your ph needs to be round5.5to6 max. Second if you can get you some Dutch masters gold nutrients, excellent quality without the high price tag of the higher ends and a hell of a lot less head aches. 1 rule of thumb i have is if i see a bunch of posts with people having problems with the same product regardless of what it is then i generally try to stay away from it.
What is your ppm's? and what are your res temps


Well-Known Member
You'll know if you're overfeeding them when you start seeing burnt leaf tips.
What are your res temps


Well-Known Member
Just took another look at ur last pic. How often do you water and for how long? The problem with letting the rockwool get wet is that it takes so long to dry. You don't want the stalk to be wet. You only want the roots to be flooded, then they need a period to where they are exposed to air. This helps to prevent a lot of the common root problems people have. You could also mix some peroxide in your water to help keep res clean and add extra oxygen to the res.
Looking at the 1 plant i believe scroglodyte was right about hte possible over watering.


5.5 - 6.5 i was thought was a good range for hydroponics i need to buy a tester for my resevoir dude. I just check the tips and notice some small burn on the tips and my leaves feel firm


Well-Known Member
With a flood and drain you want the ph below 6. I always try to keep my res temps around 60. I found that it really helps to keep the ph from fluctuating as much.
As long as all you get is small leaf tip burn then your fine. It just means that you're right at the limit of what they can take right now. The more constant you keep your ph, ppm's and res temp the more nutes they will be able to use providing they have sufficient light.
That's why you always see these big massive plants and buds on the seed bank and breeder sites. Those plants are grown under perfect circumstances from start to finish with all the latest technology and by people with PHD's