Plants Dying


Active Member
Sorry to see that :? Ease back on the water and nutes for a while and see if anything improves


Thanks Priest,

I've added some compost and soil into it and little water to flush.. and will see in some days if it recovers.. fingers crossed. :-(


Thanks BUDS I've overwatered the pot . and took 2 days to dry .. then I've added some compost and soil + ceramics ball and mist all lightly with a sprayer before watering in the next 5 days.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that. Try again, next time no misting ,let the medium dry out more and get something more indica.


Yes *BUDS. Sad history. but I've two that has survived and are picking up ..I think there is too much nutrients from the last time in the pots, this morning I've decided to upgrade the pots, 4" to 6" and the 3" to 4". Add new soil and perlite at the bottom, raised the chicken nets higher and here they are. hope they will be fine soon the leaves still doofy..



Now there's only two plants, I think it's good now. more air circulation and better light penetration.


that's am up to. During the day the lights are off and lights on by 10pm to do the 12/12 cycle.. at night the temp drops to 65-70 without lights and by day an ambient 80-85 !


Keep the temps 75-80 and they should pick up in the new airated medium.
As you said Buddy, they are picking up faster than I thought.. even with the transplanting... here some updates.. I feel better now out of danger ! thanks for your input.. Flowering can carry on !! go go go !!



Scientia Cannabis
Way too much water.

Your first picture looks so overwatered mate.

I can even see water hanging from the lightbulbs (not a good idea, the bulbs can explode if they heat up with moisture on them).

It's not a bad idea to let your soil dry out sometimes, resembles nature a lot more and your plants learn to grow with the environment a lot better.

Also, don't mist the leaves too much, if you have to, mist the inside of the leaves.

Water hanging on the leaves combined with some powerful lights = burnt leaves.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
As you said Buddy, they are picking up faster than I thought.. even with the transplanting... here some updates.. I feel better now out of danger ! thanks for your input.. Flowering can carry on !! go go go !!

still looking overwattered bro, but congrats on saving two :roll::roll:


Way too much water.

Your first picture looks so overwatered mate.

I can even see water hanging from the lightbulbs (not a good idea, the bulbs can explode if they heat up with moisture on them).

It's not a bad idea to let your soil dry out sometimes, resembles nature a lot more and your plants learn to grow with the environment a lot better.

Also, don't mist the leaves too much, if you have to, mist the inside of the leaves.

Water hanging on the leaves combined with some powerful lights = burnt leaves.
Yes ! but for the first pics I sprayed water on the overall just because they dying.. I never mist on them. (maybe stupid reaction from my part) but I always watered directly to the soil. For sur water hanging on the leaves will be burned by lights, but I always watered while the lights are off for the next 12hrs. I've to get the proper balance of watering as the plants grows up .. from the start of this growth I watered every 4-5 days, but when the plants get multi-branched I think it needs a little water every 2 days .. The Problem I got here was too much nutrient with over watering. I paid the price .. food for thought next time :weed:


still looking overwattered bro, but congrats on saving two :roll::roll:
Thanks Robert !
They have been transplanted yesterday in bigger pots and new soil + compost and perlite at the bottom. at the end of the transplant process I watered just a little just to moist the soil.. they seem better than yesterday and are picking up every time the lights are on. I'll have to get the proper watering scheduled and dosage for this .


Well-Known Member
most over watering cases get real bad mostly cuz of root suffocation, especially if the soil is home made which am guessing is the case for you, i make my owwn soil and i know how to much watter will send my roots into shock cuz of water long then the roots can't breath and then root rot, you can try a h2o2 mix like 3% or 30% h202 it will help aerate your soil by making bubbles in the soil and its also an antiseptic so it should slow your root rot if there is any just pu very little just enough to get around your roots,


What does this curly leaves mean.. too much heat or over or under watering.. I water every 2 days with only 300ml of water.
