Planting bag seeds Sept 1st, Northeast. Any one done similar?


Well-Known Member
Have 18 germinated bag seeds and a random spot to put them. In the north east climate though, picture vermont, Massachusetts, NY type weather.

Going to be able to leave them out for 9 weeks.

How long expected before I could see males? Will starting seeds during flowering periods of light stunt or delay the arrival of malepods?

How long after a male first shows before the pollen can spread? Basically how small is the window to notice a male befote it ruins a grow? Only going to be able to get to these every 7 to 10 days is why i ask.

They have self watering system so not worried about that but they are within 1.5 miles of my main patch or clones and dont want to risk missing a male and letting the pollen spread.

Mainly just interested in seeing the different ways each of these random bag seeds grow and what they look like, not concerned about yield.

Anyone else planted any type of seeds, feminized, even very young clones or anything similar to what I am doing in close to same time frame? How did it turn out? Ive read starting at flowering periods stunts the plant for 2 to 3 weeks before it startsflowering and they only grow one main crown bud but dont know for,sure

Thanks for the read and any advice


Well-Known Member
As long as you check every day, you'll have plenty of time to spot the males and remove them. I did something similar with some seeds I "bred" this summer. I only got three sprouts because the seeds really didn't have time to "finish" on the mother plants. One of the three was a male and kept it around but separated from the females because I wanted to use the pollen for more breeding. But it was probably 2-3 weeks after the male flowers appeared before the pollen started falling when I shook the plant.

Of course, I'm betting that a few grains of pollen started drifting around earlier and I didn't see it, but the really heaving shedding did not begin right away. So if you pay attention, you should be able to catch the males before they do too much damage.

As far as how long until the males show themselves, put my three plants outside in July, with about 14 hours of daylight, and the male flowers were visible within just a week or two. Had to wait a couple more days before I was 100 percent certain, but the "bananas" are visible and unmistakable if you have any experience growing. But like I said, you have a few days to remove the males after the male flowers appear. Usually the females start to develop pistils about a week to ten days after the first male flowers show up. At least that's been my experience with indica-leaning plants.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Males will show themselves 4-6 weeks from sprout. You have almost a week from the time you see balls. But if you are not saving pollen, no use to wait on them once they show.


Well-Known Member
A bit late in the season. I would save them for next year and start with a plan..


Well-Known Member
Already germmed and outside but I appreciate the advice. These werent planned for they were randomly found going through old room at parents house and now wanna smoke a J of some old high school strains.

Ill make the question simplier, anyone got bud from seed in NE weather in 9 weeks?