Plant problems (yellow leaves and seedling problems)


hey guys,
First time grower and im having a few problems with my threeplants
Lighting: 1x 48W cfl (not 48w equivilent) 24h photoperiod
Medium: Peat moss, vermiculite & perlite mix
Grow: Indoors
watering schedule: started watering once every three daysnow i water a little bit each day
Stage of growth: one of my plants is up to its third nodeand the two other seedlings are stunted at the
first node (even though i planted them at the same time)

Anyway my leaves om my bigger plant are turning yellow andthe leaves are pointing up, (refer to pic)
and on my seedlings they look very unhealthy aand are notgrowing AT ALL!
i know the seedlings are beyond saving but i would love toknow what i did wrong so i dont do it again next time

bigger plant:

