Plant problems w/pics

this strian is called tangarine kush and this is my first time growing .i havent used no nutrients or plant foods ive only used eggshells in water.i recently transplanted it to a bigger pot,im using a soil called organic grow.I keep the plant in a windowsil and im wondering if its dying,or getting too mcu sunlight.its a month old and i water it when the surface of the soil is completly dry.

p.s. plz dont make it complicated im just a pothead.


George W.

It almost looks like your plant is not getting enough light. Its kind hard to tell from the pics. It should be a lot bigger if its a month old probably a ph problem. you should try to check the soil ph if you can. Also depending on the seed and where you got it from it could be fouled geniticaly.
It almost looks like your plant is not getting enough light. Its kind hard to tell from the pics. It should be a lot bigger if its a month old probably a ph problem. you should try to check the soil ph if you can. Also depending on the seed and where you got it from it could be fouled geniticaly.
ok thanks for the quick reply. well im pretty sure its gettin enough light or else it would be tall right? do you think it might be beccause im givin it to much protein with the egg shells and what food/proteins should i pick up preferably from target.

George W.

Its not realy a protien thing its A nute thing. Human protien means little in the plant world. The Problem you are having is probably a due to ph and no nutes no matter what they are will fix that. You should realy try to check your soil ph because if that is off you your plant wont grow at all. PH affects the uptake of nutes to the plant and for a soil grow it should be around 6.5 in order to unlock all need nutes present in the soil. You could get an Idea of what the PH is by getting a pool testing kit and taking a small sample of the soil and putting it in with a bit of water (7.0 in ph check with same kit prior to testing soil). thet the soil sit in water for a bit and then add drops to see what side of the line your soil falls on. It is not the most accurate method but its a lot cheaper than a soil ph test meter. It will allow you to at least know how to adjust you ph. Vinagar is the cheapist way to lower soil ph but use it sparingly. table spoon per gallon of water if the soil is highly alkiline. Use for roughly a week stop using when plant shows sings of new growth. Plant food from K mart or Target would be fine. One high in Nitrogen is perfered for seedlings like this one. Also use spairingly at first and with every third watering. stop when you see vigiourious growth and let plant coast till it tells you it needs more nutes.

The eggshells are definatly affecting you PH but i cant recal weather they are acidic or alkiline. Find out that and it may give you a better idea on guessing what your ph is and then correcting it.

I know you wanted a stoner friendly answer but growing pot is not like taking out the trash you have to get it right or be damm lucky.


Active Member
looks sad man, and a month old? i would kill em and start over, they have had to much stress in my opinion.

were the leafs touching the soil? if so thats why they were rotting like that. i had a clone once that i just kina cut and planted in a pot it looked like that for about 2 week and then started groing new green and i thre it outside and it died in a few hours. you stresed the hell out of your girl and she slit her wrists