Plant problem. Any help?


Active Member
Ok so i have one plant with some of the leaves turning yellow, i thought this would be an N def. but i doubled with the food trying to get more N into her but still nothing happend its been about a week or two. now the other problem i have is one of my plants has all green leaves, you can tell where the nute burn is but now the shade leaves are getting dry and crispy. whats wrong with her?



New Member
excessive nute burn flush flush flush with ph'd water looks to me salt build up flush flush flush buddy


Active Member
so i dont know if that was the problem, i flushed and it got way worse... dunno what happend here but could it be a def? some of the leaves now have black dots on them.... of course its the effected fan leaves. but now its not just lower. all of the fan leaves are fucked.


Ursus marijanus
Can you post still photos of the current situation?
Also, what was your feed schedule (type, strength) as the problem appeared? cn


Active Member
i am on week nine of the fox farm nute program. so i dont know how to spell that out but heres a link to what ive been giving them now i feed all three the same and only the middle one is f'ed up. the haze plant on the end has some yellowing leaves, would that be a N or Mag def? Ill try to get some pix up soon.


Is that g13 labs NL . Just wondering because Im growing g13 labs NL right now and shes a beuty but does get yellow leaves Deficeincy easy , much easier than any other plant Ive had .


Active Member
no the NL is on the right, nothing wrong with that plant. Its also by royal queen and its an auto flower. the two on the left are the ones im having problems with


Ursus marijanus
It surely does look like severe classic nute burn to me. Don't feed that one another thing until she rebounds, if she rebounds. You might lose that plant ... but it isn't over until, well you know. cn


Active Member
ya i kinda figured shes on her way out but she is pollinated with a hermie so i was kinda waitin on those seeds to develop.


Well-Known Member
I think that plant will be fine as long as you figure out the nutes and quick...I have nearly killed marijuana numerous times...totally killed it I never give up on a plant...not even when it is freakinshly small and not worth taking time on...