Plant need to be diagnosed


Was told its nute burn , now deficiancy . I flushed 4 days ago. I wanna make her better , leaves a brownish and crispy , soil is still damp.



Well-Known Member
If your using organic soil then its probably not deficiency. Also if youve fertilized already its probably not deficiency. Id say burn. Leaves wont grow back green, theyll keep dying off. If you burned her you just have to wait it out. Theyll die off and new ones will look better eventually. If shes burned bad youll even see newer growth crisping up. Flush again when its nice and dry and wait it out man. Kinda all you can do. Good luck :):):)


Well-Known Member
some of the damage looks like n burn/scorching between the veins, that then leads to necrosis and then the leaf will die and fall of, look like what be going on, its hard to to pin piont the exact cause or problem sometimes when there a lot of damage


Ok Cool , should I trim off the burnt leaves?

I kid you not my brother dumped 3 kinds of nutes on her at once , forgot to mention that be yea

and the soil is fox farm ocean forest and happy frog mix


Active Member
I would ditch the plant, genetics look crappy anyways, and I burnt a plant once that never recovered, and ended up shaping into those fluffy hermie-like bud structures from shock in flowering. The bud was decent, nice sativa, but not ideal..


Well-Known Member
What's your tap water pH and ppm like, and what's the pH of the soil runoff water? It looks a lot like high pH.


Well-Known Member
Also it looked like a leaf or two was curling/canoeing
could be some heat stress in addition


Well-Known Member
The plant unfortunately seems to be pretty beat up my opinion.. You might have gone a little too far with the nutes for such a young plant, or maybe too high a humidity level. Do you have fans on it? It doesn't look that old, you got another seed? You might be better off planting a new one,because this one is probably going to be stunted. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ok Cool , should I trim off the burnt leaves?

I kid you not my brother dumped 3 kinds of nutes on her at once , forgot to mention that be yea

and the soil is fox farm ocean forest and happy frog mix
Time to start over if this did happen. The soil has enough in it for a month or so.


Well-Known Member
I would ditch the plant, genetics look crappy anyways, and I burnt a plant once that never recovered, and ended up shaping into those fluffy hermie-like bud structures from shock in flowering. The bud was decent, nice sativa, but not ideal..
how the hell can 1 see genetics ? other than if its more sativa or indica via leaf and plant structure .