plant is 2 months old and still only 6 inches high???


I've been thinking for the past month it will start growing like a weed anytime now and it hasn't. I've given it nitrogen and calcium and I think I gave it some phosphorus and growing has improved a little since I did this, but its still not big yet. The bottom leaves died last week and this is why I added some stuff to the soil. I have also been using a fish emulsion to help with nutes.

Does anyone have any ideas? Its outdoor but I live on a mountain so the sun doesn't actually hit it until like 7:30, and then the sun goes down at like 8 or 8:30. I'm thinking its not growing because its only getting 12 hours of direct sunlight, so could it be trying to flower but its not big enough to? Growth has been stunted for a while.

Help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks


heyman doing good 4 weeks a long time for lil plant maybe try nutes or fert nd more light looks like it aint getting wat it needs bt thn again ima noob so jus puttin my to sents in lol


i have 15 lil babys in a dwc hydro systm nd jus got ph to perfect level bout 5.5 5.8 it is so they loving it now really happy wid thn now haha


Ok so maybe I should put it under lights instead of the sun? Or maybe when the sun goes down?

The soil is scotts top soil.. I could probably change it as I have a huge bag of it.

And you're right it could be ph too. I don't have a ph tester so should I just put like a dash of lemon juice in it to raise it?


Active Member
12 hours of light is more than enough. Something else is wrong to keep it so small. Is it rootbound? Waterlogged soil? Poor drainage?

Need more info, but at 4 weeks it should be a bit bigger than that. The pale leaves and yellow stem scream deficiency but I can't say which.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it needs more light to me ? dont over feed it or you will get nute burn :/ breaking a few roots wont be a big issue just give it a lil extra light and see how it goes ?

Well-Known Member
If you broke the roots there is a good chance the plant will now shrivel up and die. If it lasted and hasnt died in 2 month in that soil then the soils fine all u need is some nitrogen and maybe some root blast or another low fertlizer. Your main problem is how much light your plant is getting. Put it in direct sunlight for about 3-5 hours then in the shade for awhile and it will be good. What strain is it?


Well-Known Member
put it under 24 hour lighting. at that size do like mine. 4 100 watt (23 actual) CFL. see what it does. plus "bury" that
stem a little more in a bigger container.


How would you be able to tell if it had root problems? I just looked at the roots and they looked.a little tangled but they were pretty long... It has like 10 inches of roots.

the pot its in has a space built in the bottom for drainage and its a 6 inch pot. Anyone think it needs a bigger pot?


Active Member
your plant is not old enough to be rootbound for that size pot. its deff small for its age, not just the height but the developement of the leaves as well. if you broke a few of the roots it will also take time to get over that but that would not stunt its growth for long. it looks like an outside plant that doesnt get enough direct light. i found one that looks just like that and nursed it back to health. the yellowing leaf on the botton and stunted growth is more than likely from using un-ph'ed water and being underfed. it is very important that you have that. if you dont have a tester try and get an aquarium tester with the drops and test strip. its cheap and works well enough. plus at 2 months thats enough time to start nutes at 1/4 strength. get the ph corrected first youll see a world of diff. then think nutes. you need nitrogen heavy for vegetative growth. goodluck


Well-Known Member
How would you be able to tell if it had root problems? I just looked at the roots and they looked.a little tangled but they were pretty long... It has like 10 inches of roots.

the pot its in has a space built in the bottom for drainage and its a 6 inch pot. Anyone think it needs a bigger pot?
it definitely needs a bigger pot IMO. mines in aeroponics and only 3 weeks old as
we speak. roots are huge! :) check iti in my signature. and hoenhiem makes great points...


your plant is not old enough to be rootbound for that size pot. its deff small for its age, not just the height but the developement of the leaves as well. if you broke a few of the roots it will also take time to get over that but that would not stunt its growth for long. it looks like an outside plant that doesnt get enough direct light. i found one that looks just like that and nursed it back to health. the yellowing leaf on the botton and stunted growth is more than likely from using un-ph'ed water and being underfed. it is very important that you have that. if you dont have a tester try and get an aquarium tester with the drops and test strip. its cheap and works well enough. plus at 2 months thats enough time to start nutes at 1/4 strength. get the ph corrected first youll see a world of diff. then think nutes. you need nitrogen heavy for vegetative growth. goodluck
Okay so ill go find a bigger pot right now, transplant it, bring it inside when the sun goes down so it gets more direct light. I have ph testing strips for pool water, so ill try that. Ill keep adding nitrogen though. I heard used coffee grounds work awesome.

kbo ca

Active Member
It doesn't need a bigger pot period. your choice of soil most likely was the beginning of the plant's stress. I would bet that there are several factors playing a role in the stress of your plant. now you say you selected a different soil, what is it? your ph is most definatley off, the plant isn't able to uptake nutrients right now because of it. Adjusting your ph is fairly simple to do and reasonably cheap. Let me know what soil you are using and if you have any tools to check the ph of either your soil or the water you feed to it. Invest in some 'Superthrive'. This is a B-vitamin supplement that relieves stress in plants that have gone through some type of shock, such as transplanting. Respect.


Active Member
that will help with the stretch but im pretty sure of my advice. check my sig. 1st pic is before and second is after its the one in the middle of coarse

