Plant Food Help Please

I just planted some clones in some good soil, Im wondering what would be some good easy to find organic plant food to find??

MT Farmer

well if u live in a cowboy town and they raise sheep sneak out at night and go get some sheep shit its a vary good fertilizer it has a NPK value of N.8 P.5 K.4 and u can get some worm castings from yer local nursery and chicken manure is also a great one it has a NPK of N1.5 P1.5 K.5 plus they have a full range of trace elements. u see i like to make my own cuz why go out and buy shit when u can just make it and not spend a thing just get some rubber gloves cuz haveing that stuff get under ur nails is not really sanitary

MT Farmer

or u could fill a nylon stocking with sifted, well-rotted compost and soak in a bucket for a few days to make a potent fertilizer and plant elixir.
i mixed the soil with decomposed compost, but i was looking for something to add like fish emuslion.
Thanks so much!! you guys rule!


Well-Known Member
well if u have yellowin leaves, peein on ur plants might help. even though, this is HIGHLY not recommend for a number of reasons. human pee is not harmful for the first 3 hours its out of our bodies. pee is high in nitrogen (hence its good for yellowing leaves) it also has trace elements. pee also (over time) will turn 2 amounia (spelled wrong) either way. prolonged use will poisen ur plants.

it is NOT recommended , but u could add it every week if u needed 2 help with yellowing leaves.


Well-Known Member
You can use Urine but you should dilute it 1 to 10

10 parts water to 1 part pee this way it wont burn your plants.
