Plant dying (drooping)


I check the ph levels, and give it nutrients... I think my problem might be I have it on a 12 hour day 12 hour night cycle... Should I change it to 18 hours night 6 hours day?

Please help! :( I don't want my babies to die! PIC_0211.JPGPIC_0214.JPGPIC_0212.JPGPIC_0213.JPGPIC_0208.JPGPIC_0207.JPG

It's the kryptonite strand by the way.


Well-Known Member
since they are flowering....or at least look like they are...keep them at 12/12 where they need to be...your light cycle isnt the issue here....easiest answer first....over watered...other then that kinda hard to tell without some info...lights,temps,medium,nutes
but its obvious they are extremely stunted and have a few issues that has nothing to do with your light cycle


I gave them nutes yesterday, I may have given them too much... What steps should I take to fix this problem? How often should I water them? The soil always seem like it's wet... And I have hps lights 400 watt. Temperature is around 70 degrees.

What causes them to be stunted and what can I do to fix the problem? Any help you can give would be great, thank you..This is my first time grow.


Well-Known Member
I gave them nutes yesterday, I may have given them too much... What steps should I take to fix this problem? How often should I water them? The soil always seem like it's wet... And I have hps lights 400 watt. Temperature is around 70 degrees.

What causes them to be stunted and what can I do to fix the problem? Any help you can give would be great, thank you..This is my first time grow.
always give them on their first feeding 1/4 of what it tells you to feed them then work up from for watering...wait until the pot feels light before watering...then water till you have a little run off of water out the bottom then let it dry out before watering it again...your temps and lights should be ok...long as it isnt getting too cold during lights off time....but the plant is suffocated and the roots are drowning.thats part of whats stunting it
but to be honest it might be past of point of no long has it been flowering?sometimes no matter how much tlc you give them...once a certain amount of damage is done its not going to recover enough to make a yield thats worth it...just would hate to see you put of ton of time...and nutes into this one for it to yield only a few grams....but just dont let it discourage happens.move on...learn as much as you can from this grow...and watch each grow get better with time


Well-Known Member
It's been flowering for about 4 weeks, I hope I can save them. :( be honest...not looking good...but its a good learning experince...try out a few different things with it and see how it responds...most of all let the thing dry out and go from there


Well-Known Member
Do you have two plants in one bucket? It's hard to tell, but it looks that way. If you do, it's probably because the plants are running out of root space.


Active Member
Looks like he went 12/12 from seed and the strain is saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. As bad as they look I don't think going to 18/6 is going to help. Start new plants asap and keep these under 12/12 with a low nute str and hope/pray for them.


Well-Known Member
Do you have two plants in one bucket? It's hard to tell, but it looks that way. If you do, it's probably because the plants are running out of root space.
whether its 2 plants or not...being that small and stunted there isnt going to be much of a roots system...whatever happened to it happened long before now