Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

nobody is making you come to this site, and many people are offering their time and experience...for free

so i really dont know what you expected
What I expected? My pictures to stay on the thread??? Lol, is that much to ask? Oh well, I was just trying to share some laughs with you guys. And BTW, try not to be so serious, I was just giving the mods a hard time. Never met a serious stoner:!:


if your pictures arent staying its a good chance the site thats hosting it is fucked, either that or your not posting it correctly,

you can go back to page one and see pictures (whose host site has not expired) still up


Well-Known Member
lol yeah pls thrill us wit your insider knowledge
Is it OK to laugh at the fact the show is fake? I dont give a shit if its real or fake. Just thought somone might have caught that guy dancing. But its fake. Thats not very hard to believe. See, I take your word for it.:-P
if your pictures arent staying its a good chance the site thats hosting it is fucked, either that or your not posting it correctly,

you can go back to page one and see pictures (whose host site has not expired) still up
Posting pictures is pretty basic thanks, yes I have also come to the conclusion that the host is fucked, you see some of my pictures worked, but I forgot I used more than one host sooo, yea.

Does this site still host files?


Well-Known Member
What I expected? My pictures to stay on the thread??? Lol, is that much to ask? Oh well, I was just trying to share some laughs with you guys. And BTW, try not to be so serious, I was just giving the mods a hard time. Never met a serious stoner:!:
My friend you have stumbled upon the most serious stoner site on the net, good luck;-)

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
[YOUTUBE]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/p7SzB58qHI0&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/p7SzB58qHI0&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]


Well-Known Member
I know, i been getting that in Pm's since i did it a lil while ago..

Did you see what i posted in the "FUN" thread?lolL I'm still holding you to that.