Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Skeet Kuhn Dough

Well-Known Member
15 crunches, 40 jumping jacks, 30 Burpee, 1 min wall sit, 20 squats

WTF is a Burpee? I only know the seed company. I might try that workout, I need to lose some weight. I'm skipping the arm circles.
I was wondering the same thing.
Thanks you for saving me a google search. I'd never heard of a burpee until now. It's like an advanced squat thrust :P


Ursus marijanus
"My Friend Asked Her Parents For A 6ft Teddy Bear For Christmas. Today She Got This."

"For Years, My Dad Put A Pizza Pan On His Christmas List, And I Refused To Get It Because It Was Too Boring Of A Gift. This Year, I Finally Broke Down And Got Him One. And I Got It Engraved."

This Little Girl Asked For Frozen Gifts This Christmas
