Pistils not turning red....should I harvest?


Hello. I am pretty new to growing as my only experience has been with clones in the past. Right now I have a powerplant (grown from a seed I found in a sac from the club) and it is on its 11th week of flowering. I have let it go this long because the pistols still aren't turning orange. Now the top few buds are growing new shoots out the top without really any new bud. I know I need to get a microscope to check for sure, but is it common that pistils will not turn orange this late into flowering? This is supposed to be a 9 week strain. I am not sure if I am losing potency at this point or if it has one last hurrah. I have been giving it just water for 4 to 5 days now and the leaves are still pretty green. Has anybody ever had to harvest before the pistils change? Thanks for any help.

Edit: I'll add some more info if needed. The plant was grown mostly under about 50 watts cfl light until the 6 or 7 week of flowering when I got a 400 watt hps. I'll try to get a cellphone pic if needed. The buds don't look quite as big and ripe as I'd like but I attribute that to the cfls more than anything.


Well-Known Member
The plant is not mature yet, that's why your pistils are not changing. That, and you said only water for 4-5 days now. Are you watering every day? If so, stop now, they don't need that much water especially later in flowering. Also, just because it says that your plant is a nine week strain, those are only rough time estimates only to be followed under the most ideal conditions. Post a few pics if possible and that will help us tell whether you have something else going on or if it's just a "late finisher".