piss test ?'s


Well-Known Member
well i managed to find a good job and unfortunetly they do piss tests. they dont do the tests themselves i have to go out of town for it. i would assume the location is a lab of some sort. i highly doubt they will watch me so im thinkin of several things i can do. i heard bleach dillutes the urine and shows up clean. thats what i want to do but does it work? has anyone tried this stuff before? my second option is take clean urine in there with me lol...but i dont even really talk to anyone with clean piss that i feel comfortable enough to ask them for. my third option is to just water it down before i go in there. the thing about that is im not a fan of drinking water so it would be difficult to get down but i can do it. plus clear urine is usually a pretty clear sign that someone is tryin to fool the test. i doubt the place would even care that its clear and just test it and send the results as normal. another problem i have with the water is i dont know how reliable it would be. i havent been clean for at least a year now.


Well-Known Member
well i managed to find a good job and unfortunetly they do piss tests. they dont do the tests themselves i have to go out of town for it. i would assume the location is a lab of some sort. i highly doubt they will watch me so im thinkin of several things i can do. i heard bleach dillutes the urine and shows up clean. thats what i want to do but does it work? has anyone tried this stuff before? my second option is take clean urine in there with me lol...but i dont even really talk to anyone with clean piss that i feel comfortable enough to ask them for. my third option is to just water it down before i go in there. the thing about that is im not a fan of drinking water so it would be difficult to get down but i can do it. plus clear urine is usually a pretty clear sign that someone is tryin to fool the test. i doubt the place would even care that its clear and just test it and send the results as normal. another problem i have with the water is i dont know how reliable it would be. i havent been clean for at least a year now.
hahaha you americans and all your piss tests, come to canada


I second the synthetic urine. I work in the next state over and even though my state has MMJ I can still be fired from my job since the state where my job is doesnt. Ive used the synthetic everytime they test (ive worked there 9 years) with a 0% failure rate. Get some and use it.

Edit: oh yeah, if you need to know where to get it, just google "synthetic urine". It is for sale from a million places. Some headshops also sell it but if you go to a headshop dont let them sell you the crap that you drink thats supposed to make you pass, it doesnt work. Either use someone elses clean urine or the synthetic.

use synthetic urine bro. 100% pass rate for all my family and friends =].


Well-Known Member
hahaha you americans and all your piss tests, come to canada

can you get me a free pass because i would like nuthin more then to leave this country. i know alot of ppl may be against me saying that but really i dont see how they can blame me. i've actually considered canada but after doing some research its pretty difficult to move and live there under the immigrant restrictions they have.


Active Member
The us is okay but not my cup of tea. If my wife wasn't so against it I would be in another country most likely Brazil, Mezmo. I would go to canada in a second better health care and better government. I love to hunt and fish to so would be amazing for me. Stupid US Politicians(Ie the kids that had no life growing up and try to make us have there moral values PISSS OFF)


Well-Known Member
america is BY FAR free. actually if you dont live life in th u.s. by whats expected of you then the chances of you making sumthin of yourself are rare. if you quit school and dont even have a GED more then likely if you dont sell drugs for a living or have rich parents to provide for you your whole life then you'll probably end up living in a hole in the wall lonely because no girl wans to be with someone who dont have money and is flippin burgers for a living. its sad that without work and paying taxes to the gov you can forget about makin a living for yourself. but im not gonna start a country bashing thread...im gonna do what i feel like doing and if it requires me to fool a urine test to continue to hold my freedom to smoke weed then thats what ill do. thats the thing about america though. you can do anything for a price.