Picking Popcorn

Mr. Weash

I have an Amnesia Haze strain that is 8 weeks into flowering and I've been steadily picking off buds and quick drying them ( I know...)

I have some little buds with some trichomes. I want to try and make some bubble hash with these little ones without drying first.

Will picking all of my little buds send my plant into shock?
Do I need to dry them before I put them in a blender?
Don't do it, cutting too many flowers off your plant can stunt growth & possibly cause other problems. Cutting a small amount is ok, but cutting them all I wouldn't suggest doing.

:peace: MGT

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Baby Molester!!! Wait til the trics turn amber, then "pinch off" almost all, but leave a little,... it will start a new flower where the old one was at. Double your yield.
Depending on the size of your plant, if it is big enough it is beneficial to do what is called a second harvest. To do this you cut off only the bigger flowers, and leave all the small ones. Then you can grow the smaller ones for an extra week or so :) The hole amber thing is all up to you. I personally like more thris to be amber, but some people like it when there are only a few.

:peace: MGT

Baby Molester!!! Wait til the trics turn amber, then "pinch off" almost all, but leave a little,... it will start a new flower where the old one was at. Double your yield.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Always take the amber buds off, of course, which will allow the smaller ones to mature. Pot 101. But ALSO, if harvested properly, a new flower will start going where the old was pinched off, just like rejuving, only in the flower mode. If you don't believe me, don't try it. Cool