picking buds early: am I hurting worse than ...


Active Member
Hi all,

thank you for your reply in advance.

its dry around here and I can't find anything to buy.

my plants are almost ready, but since I have kept out the males I know they'll keep growing until the season literally forces them out (I didn't start them until Aug 10th :edit to add: I meant start them from being seedlings, they were about 5 inches tall)

so my question friends is am I stunting the entire plant by picking buds early?

I have often feared that may be true so what I usually do is pick on just one plant and then move to another. This year however since i started so late I have much less (I usually try to grow enough to make it through the year) and anyways I've already went thru my one early plant and am now faced with either waiting (not really an option, you should try looking at some great bud and not having any to smoke) or keep picking on the remaining plants.

am I better off to pick on just one plant or to space it out and prune just some of the lower buds off all the plants (keep in mind they're only about 4 ft tall if they were standing up)?

side note: what do you figure you lose by picking early buds? I guesstimate about 7 grams for every one you take early.

thanks again.


Well-Known Member
id suggest not taking from any..but if u have to take from just one plant...start lownd work ur self up...dont touch the other plants just let them grow