Photoperiod questions, need answers.


Well-Known Member
My question is this. I accidently left my lights on during the dark cycle, will it cause the plants to re-veg? I figured the best thing to do was to turn the lights off after I discovered them, so as not to leave them under the lights any longer. I dont want to encourage them to re-veg. So basically the plants were in 24 hrs of light, and will be in about 24 hrs of darkness before I get em back on their regular schedule. Hope that makes sense. Anyway, opinions on whether I should be concerned about it. FYI, the plants are Blueberry. Thanks to any knowledgable growers who have experince with this.


Active Member
JESUS... just google it... im tired of newbs like you littering this site with threads that have a simple freaking question


Well-Known Member
Oh really? My advice to you asshat is dont get your panties in a wad! If you dont know the answer to my question, then dont waste my time. I think it was a good question, based on the fact that all strains are different, and have different sensitivities to fucked up photoperiod stuff. You assume that I didn't search for an answer first...your mistake.

BTW asshat, I am no noob, check the photo. I am probably old enough to be your granddaddy. So in the future show some respect!

Now if anybody other than this asshat, has any "helpful" info, it will be appreciated.

budsII 002 gif.jpg


Well-Known Member
you will be OK, just get them back on a cycle and you'll be alright. The plant flowers due to a hormone that is produced at night that is light sensitive, One day will not do much, but a steady trend is what causes changes in the plant...Peace JR


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys. I kinda figured that would be the case, but you know how it is. I just needed a little peace of mind.