Philosophy Class...


Well-Known Member
If you are any kind of stoner, ANd get a chance to take any kind of philosophy class, Do it. You go their a lil hihg. And your mind gets blew..Every few seconds.

"Children play with toy's, And Kittens play with Toy's, Theirfore children are kittens"

"Would you know if time stopped?"

"If you are in a cruise ship and it sinks, You and 20 other passengers take one life boat. You have enough supplies to last for 12 days. But The life boat will sink if you do not make 8 people get off...What do you do?"

"What is colors? How do we know that you and me see the same colors? Is it possible that my yellow looks like my green color to you? Like...For you yellow is what I see as green...And vice versa"

"What is one thing you are 100% sure on?"

I could go on...Those are just a few that I remember...Well if you find someplace to take a philosophy class do so...You won't be dissapointed. It will blow your mind and come back and do it again.


Well-Known Member
100% sure of death and taxes!!! time never stops!! 8 people get to hang off the side of the boat for the sharks!!! their are color blind people but for the most part we see the same colors but shades may be different.. i take a dump and elephant takes a dump so i'm an elephant...........:eyesmoke: