Phelps and WBC Plan To Protest Funeral of Tuscon 9 Yr. Old


Well-Known Member
According to a report in the Topeka Capital-Journal, the group will skip Greene's funeral in Tucson on Thursday in exchange for air time on 102.1 The Edge in Toronto, Canada, and an
interview with KXXT-AM in Phoenix on Saturday morning.

the KXXT-AM station is a christian station and 102.1 the edge is new rock. i wonder how the host of these stations are going to handle these nuts? i've watched a few news interviews of them on youtube. i consider myself a peaceful man but these people bring out the barbarian in me, i could see my hand around one of these fuckers neck shutting them up. i know this is what they are wanting so i will keep my distance from them.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
These folks are so far right that they get lost in the sunset. They believe the death penalty should apply to anyone who is gay. They send letters around the world to leaders of different countries asking for the death penalty for GLBT's. They want Biblical law to supersede Constitutional Law. Similar to the Muslim Sharia laws.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm going to play the Devil's advocate here.

But first, I would like to say I disagree with the Westboro Baptist Church wholeheartedly. Fred Phelps is nothing more than a latent homosexual whose only way to deal with his inner conflict is to publicly behave like an ass.

But having said all that, they do have the right to protest. I don't even think of their hi-jinks as protest, but performance art.

Performance art because it makes us think. Think about the true nature of the First Amendment.

If Larry Flynt is one one side of the coin, Fred Phelps is on the other.