pH Up & Down?


Active Member
Can I use those "pH Up" & "pH Down" liquid solutions with soil or are those just for Hydroponics? If not, how would I raise or lower my pH when growing in soil? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can, just add it to your water to get your desired ph. You can also add dolimite lime to your soil mix to help maintain a neutral ph (7). You can see your soil ph by either a soil ph meter or when you water, collect some of the runoff and test it to see what your soil ph it add....then add ph up or down to your next water solution....apply.


New Member
im sure you can use the ph up ph down shit with soil.. all it is is concentrated phosphoric acid(ph down) and concentrated potash (ph up)... i adjust my ph manually with nutes i have... my canna pk comes in at a ph of 6 and the ph of my 20-20-20 with micronutrients is very high from the high conc. of nitrogen so it is easy for me to lower my Ph that way.. most of the time you need to lower Ph because of how basic water is.. my tap water is at 8.5 and my spring water is at 8,, so it normally needs to be lowered