Ph of the swamp water is 6.5 should i use?


Well-Known Member
Isn't 6.5 like perfect ph for cannabis...? Is this a golden ticket for me to use the swamp water, plenty of vegetation, plenty of frogs, I think I'm in the money here guys.


Well-Known Member
Its not even the hiking the water part that I really mind, i can take a beating I'm young. I fear a cop will see me one of these nights on the rode peddling down the street with 3 gallons stuff in my backpack and one gallon in each hand while still gripping the handle bars LMAO!


Well-Known Member
Use it. I've been using water out of a pond for a few years now without any apparent problems. Maybe doing a sophistocated indoor hydro setup you have the luxury of fretting about PPM, EC, pH, and whatever else, but out in the woods you take what you can get. Within reason of course. If it is sulfur water drainage from an old coal mine, you probably want to shy away. You guys that live or lived in a old mining town know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
I would worry about larve from bugs but I am straight hydro so everything even rainwater scares me. Just me.


Well-Known Member
There was one guy on here that said when he does a soil grow he uses his well water and his plants love it so I think it would probably be similar for swamp water tons of minerals. I bet ur plants will love it.