Pen Aquarium ph tester (ph scale of 1-14) good idea?

well as far as i know an aquarium pool tester with a scale of 1-7 will not work..... but iv now seen a pen aquarium tester with a scale 1-14... would this work to test my nutrients? i have a soil ph tester....


Well-Known Member
ok so you want to know if a ph tester that goes 1-17 will work for you.. well sure it will.. but i have a question for you. are you growing in soil beings that you have a soil tester.. or you in hydro?? more info get more answers...but yes a ph tester that goes from a 1 thru 17 will work but only for the way its intended for, soil or hydro.. there are differences in the two.. and this is why you have had no answers.. proper info gets proper answers
well like i said i have a hp tester for the soil... but i mix my nuts up in a water drum so i would like to test the ph of the water solution as well before adding it... and the pen goes from 1-14 not 1-17...