peat moss for germination


Well-Known Member
I just came back from Menards, trying to find that coco stuff but no luck. All I could find was peat moss, is this okay to germinate with?


Active Member
peat moss is not really a good way to start your seedlings, because it is alive, & it will eat some of the nutes, before they even have a chance to get to your roots, & this will eventually cause problems in the future if your grow isnt in a totally controlled enviroment, meaning the ph of water, soil , etc.. & may also lead to deficinices..or however you spell, & all this i had to learn the hard way, so my advice to you would probly be to just popp'em straight into the soil, get good quality soil & you should be set!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies...This going to be the start of my second grow. First time around germinated with the jiffy peat pellets, but now I can't find those around here either. Did pick up some new soil...Pro-Mix (Ultimate Organic Mix) can't find any NPK info on the bag. Now to decide which strain to start.