Pablo's Socal Balcony Grow


Active Member
Thanks King! I'm thinking about topping again, I haven't made up my mind. I was thinking about topping anywhere from 2 to 4 separate tops. I'll probably tie her down some more today. The sun finally arrived and things are starting to take off.
Nice! Yeah its starting to actually feel like summer now in Cali. And yeah you may as well top at least some of the tops, why not? Good growing Pablo


Well-Known Member
I chopped the Pakistan Ryder yesterday at day 64. Weird friggin' plant. Looks like I was just growing little leaves covered in trichs. I was inspecting her and found aphids on some of the small leaves at the bottom of the plant close to the dirt. Apparently, my Neem oil applications didn't get any coverage there. I found the occasional dead aphid further up, so it worked there.

I also found a small portion higher up with what appears to be mold? Kinda grey and dead looking. I removed it and tried to get a good pic of it. No signs of budworms.

What a puny yield. Maybe an 1/8 oz? Time to try loading pics without getting frustrated.



Active Member
@ KingIV20

I was checkiing your LED grow, but your link contains an " at the end so faulty.. Just FYI!
Good growing going on there! cool..


Active Member
I chopped the Pakistan Ryder yesterday at day 64. Weird friggin' plant. Looks like I was just growing little leaves covered in trichs. I was inspecting her and found aphids on some of the small leaves at the bottom of the plant close to the dirt. Apparently, my Neem oil applications didn't get any coverage there. I found the occasional dead aphid further up, so it worked there.

I also found a small portion higher up with what appears to be mold? Kinda grey and dead looking. I removed it and tried to get a good pic of it. No signs of budworms.

What a puny yield. Maybe an 1/8 oz? Time to try loading pics without getting frustrated.
Hi Pablo, maybe small but i guess quality smoke judging the pictures. Lots of trichomes. Good for the vaporizer maybe! The mold thing, i dont have experience there.. :-( Your other plants are bigger, no?
Good luck


Active Member
@ KingIV20

I was checkiing your LED grow, but your link contains an " at the end so faulty.. Just FYI!
Good growing going on there! cool..
I think I fixed it...let me know.
Thanks again automon

Here's the Top 69 at day 61, pics taken yesterday. Fortunately, no sign of aphids or any other beasties on her - yet. According to the seedbank, these are ready for harvest at day 69, so about 1 more week.
Keep checking the entire plant, you don't want what happened to your pakistan ryder to happen here (with one spot covered in aphids or anything else like mold...which I think is what the grey stuff on that bud was unfortunately).
Your Top 69 looks more promising though - as far as yield and buddage, not just resin-covered leafage.


Active Member
I chopped the Pakistan Ryder yesterday at day 64. Weird friggin' plant. Looks like I was just growing little leaves covered in trichs. I was inspecting her and found aphids on some of the small leaves at the bottom of the plant close to the dirt. Apparently, my Neem oil applications didn't get any coverage there. I found the occasional dead aphid further up, so it worked there.

I also found a small portion higher up with what appears to be mold? Kinda grey and dead looking. I removed it and tried to get a good pic of it. No signs of budworms.

What a puny yield. Maybe an 1/8 oz? Time to try loading pics without getting frustrated.
Pablo! When you said you were not expecting much yield of your pakistan ryder i didnt realise you were only looking at an 1/8 of an oz! Wow! Such a tiny hoping for around an oz from my mine., We will see though ill harvest her in just under a week!


Well-Known Member
That Top69 looks very nice, i must say, Pablo.
Thank you automon. This will be my best plant so far. Can't wait!

James, yep you will have an awesome yield compared to me. Not sure what the deal is. I've still got 2 of the Pakistan Ryder seeds left. It might be awhile before I try another one.


Well-Known Member
I have thought about it, but figured most if not all of them would fly away. I don't think they're that expensive, so I suppose it's worth a shot.

Oh, I just capture a few on the hillside by my house but if you don't have access to wild ladybugs then purchasing them isn't too expensive
I do know that if there is food for the ladybugs to eat, they'll stay put until there's nothing else they can feast on. Also, there is a strategy to getting the ladybugs to initially land on and stay on your plant with problems and that is the time of release. You should release your ladybugs onto your infested plant as the sun is going down, at the start of your dark cycle because that is the time of day when ladybugs settle down, stop flying around, look for shelter for the night and for food. If your plant is the closest shelter with buffet at that time, the ladybugs will check in and chow down until they are ready to bounce out which pretty much is when there are no more aphids, spider mites, or other pests to eat. I recommend releasing some ladybugs on the plant itself and a few on the soil just to make sure they get all the pests they can


Well-Known Member
Good info guys, thanks. I've seen the bags of them at Home Depot and Ace Hardware. I've got Marigolds, and the aphids seem to love those.


Pablo, since you've grown a number of auto flowering strains, I was curious which you have found to smell the least? I'm getting ready to do a small stealth grow shortly. Any information and insight would be greatly appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
Pablo, since you've grown a number of auto flowering strains, I was curious which you have found to smell the least? I'm getting ready to do a small stealth grow shortly. Any information and insight would be greatly appreciated!!!
Razka, to be honest I don't have a lot of input on this. All of my autos kinda smell the same to me. I can't tell if any one plant is more or less smelly than another. Have you tried asking this in the autoflower thread? If you haven't seen it, here's the link:

Good luck with whatever strain you choose.