P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)


Well-Known Member
nice plant it looks happy, never seen flowers, with like that white petal under the flowers, if you know what i mean.
are the big plants more stavia?.
what ever they are they look great.
good to know about the root thing.
that 16 headed ak48 ive got, i think its male,thats 2 out of 4 so far.
i mite keep it to breed, with one of my other strains.
out of what i have what do you suggest?.
plus how old does the female have to be to breed, the male has to be,between 2 to 4 weeks?, is that so.
i think the ak,that i think is male, i think is the best topped plant ive ever done, all the heads were equal. i was going to give it the 400hps all by its self, with a few smaller plants round the sides.
i have a other ak48 in flower, but it only has 8 heads, but thats prob. male too.
ive had to put 2 more ak. seeds into germ today, cos i think the 4 i did last time will all be male,lets hope the other 20 in vegg are not male too.
when i get a ice,ak48,and a pakistan valley, im just going to do clones.
The plant has sativa and indica in it.
It was the biggest and strongest female and it also showed sex first so i chose it for these reasons.
The smell also smelled like pppxblueberry but its height looked sativa like.
This is why i crossed the sativa into the pppxblue for extra size as the original pppxblue was a fairly small plant.
If you take a magnyfying glass and look for the males with the most immature tric spots on their leaves this will be your best male.

The male will have to start dropping pollen and you need to collect it when it does.
What i do with males is leave them with all the other plants and then when their balls look like they are seriously beginning to droop down but have not yet opened i give it one last feed and box it up and seal the box.
The male will finish itself of and when its all dried up remove it from the box, way away from your grow and cut the main stem of from the pot.
I then place the male stems into another clean smallish white box which i then seal right up and shake it gently to make the pollen drop off.
Leave the box for a minute or so and then open it and carefully remove the male stems you'll find that most of the pollen has fallen onto the bottom of your box and is ready to use or for storage.

The more hairs a female has the more seeds you can get.
You can pollinate a female when it has 2 hairs or 2000 thats up to you.
I usually do it at about 4 weeks as there are plenty of fresh white hairs by then.

I have a much higher ratio of males this time around as well and i think it is from using a hps for veg.
I wont be doing this again and will use a mh bulb from now on and i am going to build a small veg box for clones and seedlings:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
on the ak48 i killed today,it had a few lots of what looked like dead yellow burst pistals that looked like they were drying out.
would that mean the male, has let some pollen on the females?.
or it it too young , it was under 3 weeks 12/12.
but the top growth was slow, due to popping.


Well-Known Member
Its unusual for a male to drop pollen that early i would say but its possible.
Males grow quickly but i haven't seen them smell more than females.
If you look closely at a plant with a magnifier of some kind you will see white spots on the leaves these are immature tric sites.
The more of these the better:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The airbasket is working great as the pictures show the plant loves it.
I induced stretch over the past few days by raising the lamp up a bit higher and i have now re-lowered it to get them fat.
The pics show the female in the basket and my most tric laden and darkest male that i will use to breed with.

I am going to take a clone off of the female in the basket and store the males pollen to breed with as i want to smoke all of this weed.
I have decided to build a small veg box that will use a 125watt cfl with a proper reflector.

The air basket is definitely working if anyone else wants to try it i cant find anything wrong with the plant at all and it is twice the size already of my other plants.:blsmoke:

The best male in the respect of tric count anyway.

In case my new pics get lost and unseen:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
my venus/orange bud. what i grew/bred on my very first grow by acc, when i didnt know what was what.bud, are my frosteyest plants, they have 1 16 heads and 2 has 10, they seem my smellyest,or maybe its just cos they have been topped most, and is a kind of defence mec. like you said before?.


Well-Known Member
my venus/orange bud. what i grew/bred on my very first grow by acc, when i didnt know what was what.bud, are my frosteyest plants, they have 1 16 heads and 2 has 10, they seem my smellyest,or maybe its just cos they have been topped most, and is a kind of defence mec. like you said before?.
I thought you meant when the plants had flowered.
Whilst there is no proper female bud then yes the males do stink more.
I do think that its possible that a plant that has been attacked in any way may produce more chemicals as a defense measure.
Thats another reason i continually remove leaf throughout the whole cycle of veg and flowering but never so much at once as to stress the plant.

how far along u usaully veg them b4 u start seeing sex?
I have never vegged for long enough to get preflowers but apparently its anything from 4-6 weeks as a standard but i think it really depends on the strain:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The airbasket is working great as the pictures show the plant loves it.
I induced stretch over the past few days by raising the lamp up a bit higher and i have now re-lowered it to get them fat.
The pics show the female in the basket and my most tric laden and darkest male that i will use to breed with.

I am going to take a clone off of the female in the basket and store the males pollen to breed with as i want to smoke all of this weed.
I have decided to build a small veg box that will use a 125watt cfl with a proper reflector.

The air basket is definitely working if anyone else wants to try it i cant find anything wrong with the plant at all and it is twice the size already of my other plants.:blsmoke:

The best male in the respect of tric count anyway.

Todays pics:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
innovative growing going on here. beautiful plants and that cauliflower thing growin out of your plant looked delicious too.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Just took some close up shots of the only male i am going to keep.
I think the shots show why it was no good to try to identify sex from zooming in on immature tric spots as these males have almost as many as some females.
I think the males look good though so heres a few decent snaps of the new father of the next lot:blsmoke:
