Outdoor swamp grow autoflower.


Well-Known Member
Here is an autoassassin plant of mine, about day 42 I think. I hadn't seen it for a few weeks... Its not going the best, looks like it hit some hard times with the yellow fan leaves, but recently has taken off again with new bud formation at the top! Also, is it stretched? maybe not getting enough light?
I don't have enough room in my grow room to take it inside so it has to stay there. I wasn't expecting to germinate three girls from 3 seeds! Not expecting to get too much bud off her but anything is a bonus

Also, sorry it is blurry, but I didn't want to stand around using my flash all night on my camera phone in case people came over to see what all the light was about!

You may also notice that the pot is half submreged in the swamp, was on dry land when I put it there but there was a lot of rain a few weeks ago and it hasn't drained out yet luckily as it is hot here in victoria at the moment!
The location she is in, is in the middle of a whole bunch of 2m tall reeds in a boggy area. I built a small platform to keep her up above the water line when it floods like this.



Well-Known Member
You say you have not visited in a few weeks? 42 day old plant then plus a few weeks, is a lot of days for an auto flower. The Bud could be fully ripe this very moment, you should be checking it much more often, especially it being near done flowering, and it living in a swamp. Theres a bud murderer called mold, and it likes to destroy buds as they begin to ripen and thicken up. If I were you, I would check that little plant immediately! Mold can destroy entire plants in a matter of days, your budded out auto could be completely molded away right now. QUICK GO CHECK ON IT, RUN! lol

P.S, nice looking plant for an auto


Well-Known Member
I grow in swamps also and a key point to remember is to keep it out of the water. In a matter of days you could get stem rot! When the soil stays too moist all the time it is a big time murderer of plants. I know from experience. Haha not proud of this knowledge but it wont happen again!!