Outdoor, Organic Grow, New Zealand.


Well-Known Member
Ok I've grown indoors before but want to try outdoors this season. It's getting to the end of August now, I'm waiting for seeds to pop to bring them up indoors for a while before planting straight into the ground, in a spot outside in a small greenhouse for stealth. I havn't prepared the soil so would like some tips on how to amend the soil in a short amount of time. What is cheap that I can add from either hammer hardware, bunnings, warehouse etc. I am planning on mainlining them to 8 main colas and doing most of the trimming indoors next to the window for sunlight. ( https://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCUQFjABahUKEwjQt7vIvcDHAhXmraYKHSMlBcU&url=http://www.growweedeasy.com/mainlining-nugbuckets&ei=tmfaVdCEOObbmgWjypSoDA&usg=AFQjCNF03N0h2s4Rbzm7pHfQh_f6buUaoA&sig2=XRvyCYaUqjWvd7jWH_B0iw ) Are the light hours now going to be long enough to get descent veg growth or should I start them off with a light on 18 hrs? Is there any problems growing in a greenhouse? Heat, Size etc..? I'm hoping if I mainline them as shown in the link they won't grow to big for the greenhouse which will be 2M high. I'm planning on going organic so what would be best for soil amendments and what would be good for teas? I've got a new worm farm on the go which will provide some nutrients and I've heard comfrey and seaweed are good. I would like as much knowledge as possible from people just so that I can try to get the best success so any input and advice would be great, thanks!! :)


Well-Known Member
Kiaora bro.

Can I offer up the suggestion of the 90Litre coco coir bricks that are fine particle (not chunks) which you can buy at bunnings.(use half of it for one plant) That's not all that you need but it will help give you more soil mix per plant after you mix it. I'm a novice but I have then mixed that with water in a creek and then you take that in to your spot. Or you can do it at home in a tub of water and hike it all out later when mixed. Dump it out on the cement and then mix in your potting soil (professional grade also in bunnings) and then some form of poo as well as water crystals if you are in a dry area. But my best plants are always placed in semi dry marshes or swamps. You put your stuff on top of it and the roots then grow and expand down into the marsh/swamp and they drink what they need each and every day. Because I have been in NZ myself, I know how dangerous it is there for thieves and cops and snitches. So you don't want to be making a trail which is easily done if you're hiking back and forth all the time. I have had forest fires with road closures which kept me from my plants this summer. But luckily they were in swamps and marshes and they didn't need me. I think I have gone to my spot four times this summer, which for us in Canada is almost over. You don't want swamp that is full of water. You want it dry to the touch and yet it feels cool so you know that there's still water underneath that crust. Or a bit of muck with other vegetation around like saw grass or reeds. Ace seeds and cannabiogen make great fem seeds. If you want to order female seeds order through herbies head shop online and always select the stealth shipping method and pay the extra for it. I recomend malawi, blue dream from humboldt, panama...Never order over 50 seeds at a time. Best wishes bro. Have a good day!