Outdoor grow strains that stay short for hoop houses and finish early for cooler climates


Well-Known Member
There's only one troll on this thread and it's this idiot!!
I'm running mastodon, Gorillla Grape, and Oregon Diesel all bread by PNW breeders for our climate with a mid sept finish date. IMO your best bet is to try to stick with known quality strains bred for our climate. And also from a reliable source, I've been fleeced by a couple dispensaries about strains of clones I've bought.
Dam! 3 Days you went slobbing on that Long PIPE.

Edit: It's OK you can vent but you should get it with them. You should get back @ them for what they did to you.
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Well-Known Member
Dam! 3 Days you went slobbing on that Long PIPE.

Edit: It's OK you can vent but you should get it with them. You should get back @ them for what they did to you.
Hey. Pull your pants up and get out if the basement. Your Moms calling you, your sister just showed up and she's wanting that FMF she's bin asking about!!


Well-Known Member
Now we talkin pass the fucking potaoes. It's all mind over matter, I don't mind and you don't matter. Tuche!


Well-Known Member
You haven't mattered since your first post! You have offered nothing but the empty space that occupies the orb on your shoulders!

You just can't admit you fucked up and posted without knowing WTF you were talking about!

Now run along like a good little boy or apologize for being an ass and join the grown up conversation!


Well-Known Member
Oh sure, by the way since I don't have a sister and my moms dead, what made you come up with the Yo mama sista tag team? Could it be your secret fantasy? Hmmmm? Do you have a sister?

Edit: Yeah that's right logout and close the door on the way out Pu Turd.
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Well-Known Member
LOL He started I'm gonna finish. He's hooked. It's not my fault dude can't figure it out and I won't to explain it, to him or anybody else. Like i said It's mind over matter, he has no mind so he don't matter.


Well-Known Member
LOL He started I'm gonna finish. He's hooked. It's not my fault dude can't figure it out and I won't to explain it, to him or anybody else. Like i said It's mind over matter, he has no mind so he don't matter.
I started it? I'd like to see you go back and show me or anyone else WGAS where I started it!!

You started it by attacking a guy who gave someone advice about where he could source seeds that suited his purpose, he never did break a forum rule as you stated . That's where it went south, we he and I said that no one posted a seed bank link. YOU started the nastiness there!!
Now IF you playing some troll game by "Hooking Me In" then yeah, you got me, cause I don't know anything about playing those games and don't and never have tried to piss someone off online, just for the fun of it!! You seem to be admitting your a troll when you said you "hooked me in"!
If you want to talk growing weed.. I'm in, but I'm done talking to you!


Active Member
You started it by attacking a guy who gave someone advice about where he could source seeds that suited his purpose, he never did break a forum rule as you stated . That's where it went south, we he and I said that no one posted a seed bank link. YOU started the nastiness there!
You're confusing Fangule with AKrb907, he accused mn-farmer of plugging and you said no.
Fangule only said "just so you know" and petert went ape-crazy over it.


Well-Known Member
You're confusing Fangule with AKrb907, he accused mn-farmer of plugging and you said no.
Fangule only said "just so you know" and petert went ape-crazy over it.
Bro thanks and @ the same time I don't want it explained. But @ least someone actually payed attn. Thanks for being REAL MC.


Well-Known Member
You're confusing Fangule with AKrb907, he accused mn-farmer of plugging and you said no.
Fangule only said "just so you know" and petert went ape-crazy over it.

  1. Just so you guys know posting links to seed banks is a RUI no no.
    Fangule, Tuesday at 1:40 AMReport

  2. petertActive Member

    Just so you guys know posting links to seed banks is a RUI no no.
    There are no links to the said "seed bank" ... The guy asked about fast finishing strains and the reply pointed him in a direction that could help him find what he was looking for. He was just helping someone out and got slammed for doing it. People need to actually read before reacting!
    petert, Tuesday at 7:59 PMReport
    ruby fruit likes this.

  3. FanguleActive Member

    There are no links to the said "seed bank" ... The guy asked about fast finishing strains and the reply pointed him in a direction that could help him find what he was looking for. He was just helping someone out and got slammed for doing it. People need to actually read before reacting!

    "Looki here IDGAF who breaks what rules. I know them and so should everyone else. Simple."
    Fangule, Tuesday at 8:05 PMReport

  4. petertActive Member

    Looki here IDGAF who breaks what rules. I know them and so should everyone else. Simple.

    Dude. Your post makes ZERO sense since no forum rules were broken in this thread. Read the posts before you assume and jump all over someone who was just helping a grower out. You may not GAF who breaks the rules, but you don't seem to know the rules yourself! If there is a problem with the post I'm sure a moderator will chime in( and probably not be an ass about it)

    These are the actual posts...

    How is this me going ape shit? The fact of the matter is no one posted a seed bank link and Fangule had to remind everyone of forum rules that weren't broken. He's not a MOD so he really didn't need to chime in at all unless he was going to offer the poster advice about strains.
    I didn't confuse them, I lumped them together and Fangule was the one who went off with the "I Don't Give Fuck" comment.

    All I did to start this off was say "There were no forum rules broken"

    Someone show me the seed bank link in this thread...and I'll galdly admit I was wrong. I NEVER start arguements on internet forums, and by his quote, I Hooked Him In" it's pretty obvious to me that it was Fangule's intent all along.


Well-Known Member
He asked for advice not a seed bank plug...
considering the seed company is where he is from and they have strains catered to his specific needs, I wouldn't call it a plug but a helpful nudge in the right direction, I live in the same area and have the same concerns, OGS was gonna be my suggestion.


Well-Known Member
This is going "Ape Shit" This is where HE LOST it!! I fell for his crap and got sucked in...That IS the definition of troll activity...
Never Shall ye come out with me,nor fight an enemy with me: for you preferred to sit inactive, so then sit now with those who lag in the behind.


Well-Known Member
Obviously you have nothing better to do than read the Quran and copy quotes from it to "try" to sound important.

Good luck to you in your grow Fangule, you know in your heart that you we rtrying to act as a MOD and "remind people" people of rules of the forum that weren't broken here...

All I did was say no rules were broken...I admit Ilost it when you told me to "Eat a big fat dick"

"Let he who has no sin cast the first stone" I don't think you followed that advice!

Haha..I'm an Athiest and I quoted the F'ing Bible.


Well-Known Member
Goodbye; I owe you so many pleasures; but I have paid you with a dream of fantasy. Now your ignorance summons you to return.