Outdoor Greenhouse Grow 2011


Active Member
@ jhod58vw...Ok, yea may have to bring a fan in then. Didnt notice any slowing of growth or effect to the harvest.


Well-Known Member
@ jhod58vw...Ok, yea may have to bring a fan in then. Didnt notice any slowing of growth or effect to the harvest.
nope had 6 plants in there and they actually ended up growing out of the roof vents they were so big my 2nd grow i put 8 and to tell you the truth u couldn't walk in there was hard feeding them were touching the ceiling so this time i do want to do more but i not veg as long. what i do is go to walmart buy 2 of the black plastic in a 20' roll, staple to a 2x2 board 8' long in the middle and drape one of the top and then the other to black it out. the thing that sucks having to do it every single day 7am & 7pm but in the end pays off.


Well-Known Member
One plant was droopy this morning so they all got some water. Temps in the green house were lil over 80F, but its only a bit over 70 outside. Anyone know some good ways to keep temps lower inside a greenhouse.
I already told you bro, it's gonna be too hot inside with those plastic walls. Just wait until it hit's 100 this summer. Go get some sunscreen mesh for the walls.

Otherwise get a bunch of fans

Good luck



Active Member
I may have to look into that, cuz as it is im getting up early before work to open the windows and the door so they get a breeze during the day. Any ideas where i can get sunscreen mesh?


Active Member
I think im getting pm on the plants already. Not sure put if i see it again ill take a pic. This greenhouse is becoming rather difficult. Its protecting it from nature but creating other problems instead, like humidity.


Well-Known Member
Yes, greenhouse's have their own issues to deal with. Don't give up bro, you just have to get used to it.

You can get a roll of sunscreen at Home Depot $27

Good luck keep trying



Well-Known Member
Cool Bud, I just got caught up on your thread, cool looking greenhouse but I agree with everyone else that mesh walls are the way to go. Anyway, I can imagine it will be very crowded in there by the end of the season, hopefully full o' dank buds, haha! Just trying to check in with a bunch of outdoor growers since I started my outdoor thread today, and us Cali folk gotta stick together, right? Haha, naw, but we do grow some good weed!!


Active Member
Yes, greenhouse's have their own issues to deal with. Don't give up bro, you just have to get used to it.

You can get a roll of sunscreen at Home Depot $27

Good luck keep trying

Thanks man, yea only my second outdoor grow and last year was mite and bud worm bonanza. So figured a greenhouse would be perfect to help against that, just gotta learn as i go.


Active Member
Thnx for stopping by meta, ive read through your grows too. Very nice work. Ya my cousin who was in the Navy has been to florida and oklahoma and when came back i had for him some good cali tree to clean his lungs, ha!


Active Member
Pics from the greenhouse today. Everything going good. Some of the Strawberry Goo seedlings were transplanted. Just have my purplewidow and a bag seed left to transplant.DSC_0034.jpgDSC_0036.jpgDSC_0035.jpgDSC_0037.jpg


Active Member
No, last year we did the same thing with 3 in a bucket. So my brother decided he wanted to do it again with 2 in one.


Well-Known Member
Hey bud, I saw that pic of the big old hole in the ground.
Whats going in there? you gonna cover it with the greenhouse?


Active Member
Yup, its actually 2 holes and ya 2 of the chernobyl are going inside. Still have to go get cinderblocks and level everything out. Then goin to move the green house over the holes


Active Member
So, we have lost 4 plants already. 1 didnt make it from seed, stunted. 2 were streesed too bad after transplanting and never recovered. And most recently today I found me a male out of my purple widows. Only seedlings left are one PW, one bad seed(og kush), and a few strawberry goo. And 2 of the clones have been burned to hell. I didn't take them out till after this time last year and im already killing plants:evil:. May have to grab some more clones before it gets too late.DSC_0045.jpgDSC_0048.jpgDSC_0047.jpgDSC_0046.jpgDSC_0050.jpgDSC_0049.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yikes! Well, it's good to live in Cali and pretty much have an endless supply of clones at our disposal, eh? Haha, naw, besides that last pic, the damage doesn't look that bad, and plants are pretty resiliant, so just stay vigilant!


Active Member
Thanks meta. Ya it's nice to know that i can stop by a clinic and re supply the green house. Ya the new growth is looking good, and the damage seems to have subsided. The Chernobyl are awesome plants, they have been treated the same as all the others and they are thriving like no other. They are gonna be sick lil christmas trees by the end of the season, I just gotta ease off the ppms and just let the plants tell me when they need some food.


Well-Known Member
Man this grow is looking good and it looks like you have your shit sorted out pretty well. Keep up the good work. Subbed up for the ride. +rep