Our MJ War

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Hey all.
I'm usually trying to make light of things around here with stupid jokes and pictures. Excuse me, I enjoy humor and just can't resist. I also can be a pain to the LP friendly folks who manage to hang around here.
Anyway I do have a serious side and would like to offer a new thing to think about around here.
It's nice to see things changing in our MJ world as they surely are. But being a bit older than some of the folks I see getting into this scene, I have seen a lot of misery caused by MJ. The misery has almost always been caused by forces who are oppossed to MJ use in any way. These are the the real harm doers. So let not forget those who were harmed at these hands of injustice. I consider this as almost casualties of war or those wounded in a good fight. So let not forget those described below.
Never forget your enemy or who's trying to kill you.

My heart breaks for those folks who throughout the years right back to the Nineteen Sixties who have been hassled, jailed, killed, torn from families, financially ruined, morally outcast, lost and missing, mentally damaged, unrightfully vilified, scared to near death, beaten, injured, left for dead, made ill, chased, left with no medicine, scutinized, bitten, shot, handcuffed, questioned, lied to, survived, spied on, robbed, tortured, privacy infringed on, outcast from family & friends..etc etc etc and all by a buncha booze swilling hypocritical lying cheating vengeful dishonest persecuting mob jag-offs disguised as Politicians and Law Enforcement officials and Judges. These SOB's did all that and more to decent folks all in the name of Cannabis Prohibition. That is until...they smell the money...oh the glorious money. You know which money I mean, the " we'll make it all ours " money. And now they can't jump on the Green Rush fast enough. They're almost breaking their swollen legs doing it too. Ever notice how you only need change one letter In Green rush and it becomes Greed Rush.

I could cry a river at all the misery and the wasted time these drunk, finger pointing, low intelligence leaders of our community have done to basically decent folks of this planet. and never with a thought of " this is wrong " Until the smell of money changed their minds.
You didn't have to be a rocket thing a ma giggy back in the 60's to see this was all wrong. But the bastards went ahead and destroyed peoples lives like they were mere bugs...and all over weed.
And now what ? It all gonna be legalized and the same pricks who would have jailed ya...now only want your money. I hope there is a place in hell for these very short sight criminals. They had many opportunities to change laws. And even to this very moment they still stand ready to pounce. As long as they can get away with it.
Yes I'm happy to see it going " my way " in the long run, but still can't help to feel what was it all for?
Cry over a 50 year war...you bet I will. I'm just sad for the folks we lost and were hurt along the way.
So as we all dance off happy in this new age of openness towards cannabis, a lot of folks got hurt to get here.
I toast all the freedom fighter, alive, dead, hurt and missing. We are here because of those who got screwed over and never gave in. It's these poor souls who got us here and still smoking today.
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Well-Known Member
Great post @The Hippy it's time to get serious about pushing back. We haven't endured all the shit we've had to put up with for a watered down, money driven version of legalization with different but same end effects as prohibition!

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Great post @The Hippy it's time to get serious about pushing back. We haven't endured all the shit we've had to put up with for a watered down, money driven version of legalization with different but same end effects as prohibition!
I won't give up no matter what the knee droppers want. Knee pads for the RUI LP buyers for Xmas. Let's start a fund...not....who cares if their knee's get bared from the begging. Serves em right for being so weak minded.


Well-Known Member
Pssttt your losing your lp war bud
Cause they don't care..... so all your hate about it has been a complete waste of time
Sad really.... when you start spouting off bull crap like the people you hate so much

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Pssttt your losing your lp war bud
Cause they don't care..... so all your hate about it has been a complete waste of time
Sad really.... when you start spouting off bull crap like the people you hate so much
I feel it'sbeen time well spent at least educating fools...what did you learn. Oh I forgot..you learned to laugh at those who don't get free meds...I remember