organic soil ph problems


Active Member
Hi, I threw together an organic soil and organic booster blend for my soil from a local soil company and foolishly didn't do any testing of the two 1st. After seeing my ph tests spike after using my bad well water I tested both soil mixes. The soil is neutral with a ph of 7.1 but the booster has a ph of 9.1. Soil and water runoff are both between 7.7 and 8.4 now. I have read alot of soil ph posts and there is alot of conflicting answers as to wether you can balance your soil back with the ph up and down products. Should I fight the ph battle or scrap the blended soil and grab something like fox farms soil and start over before i screw things up? Thanks in advance for any advise, soil suggestions etc.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
You cant go wrong with FF soil.. I'd scrap your current soil.
I'm with grapesnowcone.
Here is what I use in my organic mix and don't have any problems see what you think:
Grandpa's 1949organic mix
1 big bag of fox farm ocean forest
2 4lb bags of worm castings
1 pound bone meal
1 pound blood meal
3 cups Epsom salts
2 cups of dolomite lime
2 bags of per-lite
Water well, mix well, let sit for at least 90 days(5 weeks in a rush). Time to cook.
I don't have to add any fertilizers for the grows. I use 11" square pots, slots up the sides and lots of holes in bottom. Some folks use smaller pots say there roots get bound.


Well-Known Member
add some dolomite lime and or gypsum(a pound probably) to your soil mix. any plants you got planted need to be pulled dirt shook off and replanted in the remixed soil. then the soil you knocked off remixed with the other soil and maybe some more lime or gypsum.


Active Member
Big thank you to both of you. I like your blend Grandpa 1949 so I'll get that setup for my next batch and give it the 90 day cook time. I have a few of the AN nutes (refer to my grow posts in the cfl forum) that I'll use sparingly along with the FFOF soil to get me through my 1st grow for now. My babies have only been in the new soil for about a week so I shouldnt have too much trouble getting them out of the old stuff and into the new soil. One last noob question, should I try and flush them with distilled water and try to rinse out the solocup soil either before or when I get them out of the bad soil? Thanks again, off to the goodie store.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Well I would. I don't use distilled water. I just let my water set out for 24 hours and let it purify itself. It does depend on you water though.


Active Member
My well water is high in alkaline calcium and who knows what else so I'll use the distilled stuff. Thanks again, off to git r dun.:)