Organic compost?


Well-Known Member
I've just bought a bag of 'organic compost' from my local garden centre, and i must say it smells like shit :?

It says on the packet that it is not suitable for 'ericaceous plants' (whatever that means), but I still used it with a 50/50 soil mix.

Will this be ok do you think? I mean it says also on the packet that it is decomposed tree bark or something, but it really does smell like manure in places.

Bit worried since I re-potted two of my guaranteed fems in the 50/50 mix.

I know time will tell, but if anyone knows if this is no good, then please let me know :)



Well-Known Member
Some use compost, but you need to check PH as some can be high in Nitrogen...
same with some manures...


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, I'll try and get some of that seaweed stuff. I do recall reading something about it in the past.

I'll use these two plants as a test bed ;)


Well-Known Member
I must say, a 50% soil 40% compost and 10% pot ash has turned the yellow bottom leaves (was slightly root bound) to a healthy shade of green :)

Looking good so far :D :joint:


Well-Known Member
Here is the definition of ericaceous.. ericaceous. If it smells like poo, I would worry that it might burn, but it appears that it is not! What kind of poo was it smelling like? (That can make a difference in how hot it is I think.)


Well-Known Member
Here is the definition of ericaceous.. ericaceous. If it smells like poo, I would worry that it might burn, but it appears that it is not! What kind of poo was it smelling like? (That can make a difference in how hot it is I think.)
Well, I found a lump in that had not properly decomposed and broke it open (yuk, i know lol) and it was a light browny colour with what looked like bits of hay in it, so i assume it was horse poo.

The mix seems not to have burnt anything yet..... like i said, yellow leaves to a healthier green in 8 hours. not bad going but it remains to be seen if there are long term effects.

They are well asleep outside at the moment, they look fine..... but i shall not become complacent. I'm watching them like a hawk.


Well-Known Member
Eight hours you saw a response? Damn... That's awesome, I've only seen fast response like that to.. you know, watering when they're super thirsty. :lol:

I will try to find the page, I saw something where someone roughly broke down the different poops, their NPK content, how "hot" they are and stuff like that. I may have it up on my other computer..! Yeah.. brb.


Well-Known Member
Belonging to the heath family (Ericaceae), most of whose members prefer acid soil. Examples are azaleas, rhododendrons, blueberries, and heathers.