"Operation Wetback" - Trumps latest anti-them strategy.


Well-Known Member
Trump's trade wars aren't helping the US improve its trade with other countries. If anything, it is hurting not only the present economy but discouraging our customers from continuing to do trade with us in the future..
Also how much it sucks for people trying to run a company to have to either buy 25% less inventory, which means less sales so less money to pay employees/bills or spend 25% more on the same goods and hope you are making a decision that won't end up with your business going bankrupt. Either way there will be increase prices on customers to offset it. Companies usually keep very tight margins and can't run a company with so much uncertainty that is being caused by Trump effectively.


Well-Known Member
Suggest the answer is to put more resources into education rather than disenfranchise the people it failed. In any case, what you are suggesting is the repeal of the voting rights act and no way would that be a good idea.
We don't need more resources. We need to claim the power we have, rework the education system we have to produce critical thinkers and not the heartless slave mentality it produces today. The future is already decided, we will be a world of jobless useless masses living in a welfare state . Do we want those masses to be eating solvent green or spending their days like socrates? The goal is so wrong right now and it's reflected in our society. Throw all the money you want at it, you can't fix it. Needs to be torn down. America has been hijinked for 50 years.


Well-Known Member
We don't need more resources. We need to claim the power we have, rework the education system we have to produce critical thinkers and not the heartless slave mentality it produces today. The future is already decided, we will be a world of jobless useless masses living in a welfare state . Do we want those masses to be eating solvent green or spending their days like socrates? The goal is so wrong right now and it's reflected in our society. Throw all the money you want at it, you can't fix it. Needs to be torn down. America has been hijinked for 50 years.
So, the education system failed you too, huh?

We don't need to tear the system down, we already know that class sizes of 20 or more are known to produce poor chances at a good education. Also leaky roofs, broken heating and cooling systems, out of date textbooks and low teacher pay are known factors in producing poorly educated kids.

I'd say a 10x increase in public education funding that includes smaller class sizes, infrastructure, better teacher pay and textbooks along with the mandate that every kid in every economic and racial class have the same opportunity to have a high quality of education would be a good start at fixing it.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. It's soylent green, by the way.


Well-Known Member
So, the education system failed you too, huh?

We don't need to tear the system down, we already know that class sizes of 20 or more are known to produce poor chances at a good education. Also leaky roofs, broken heating and cooling systems, out of date textbooks and low teacher pay are known factors in producing poorly educated kids.

I'd say a 10x increase in public education funding that includes smaller class sizes, infrastructure, better teacher pay and textbooks along with the mandate that every kid in every economic and racial class have the same opportunity to have a high quality of education would be a good start at fixing it.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. It's soylent green, by the way.
I didn't go to public schools thank god. 10X? I still say the goal is the same, to produce the citizens who by almost half voted for trump. Soylent green, thank you, haven't seen it in 25 years at least, only once actually.


Well-Known Member
I didn't go to public schools thank god. 10X? I still say the goal is the same, to produce the citizens who by almost half voted for trump. Soylent green, thank you, haven't seen it in 25 years at least, only once actually.
OK, so you are cynical about our education system.

Cynicism is just another word for giving up. The difference is a cynic thinks he's smart for giving up. Same bullshit result. Even if it makes you feel better you are still a loser.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going after your grammar, just your claims.

So, from my previous posts.

Trump's trade wars aren't helping the US improve its trade with other countries. If anything, it is hurting not only the present economy but discouraging our customers from continuing to do trade with us in the future..

Trump is extending Obama's economic expansion by borrowing money. Basically what you claim is due to Trump is really just Trump not fucking up what Obama got started. The economic stresses on the workforce is not improving either. Unlike during Obama's years, GDP growth under Trump isn't helping the average worker. As shown earlier, real wage growth is nearly zero and way off from growth during the last four years under Obama. The outlook isn't any better either. In May, there was a big downturn in new employment.

The May jobs report is a big disappointment for workers and bad news for Trump


Weak job growth caught economists by surprise.

Employers added a scant 75,000 new jobs to the US economy in May — far below last year’s monthly average of 223,000 positions, according to the latest jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The sudden drop from April, when the economy added 224,000 (revised down from the initial 263,000 jobs reported), plus slower overall job growth so far in 2019, suggests that the pool of available workers is draining and the US economy is reaching full employment.

The super-low unemployment rate, for example, didn’t budge in May from 3.6 percent. That’s still the lowest rate of unemployed Americans recorded since December 1969.

Yet the small pool of available workers still hasn’t translated to much higher pay: Workers only got an average hourly pay raise of 6 cents in May, the same increase they got a month earlier.

The new jobs report shows that the US economy is continuing to expand, but without middle- and working-class families seeing much of the benefit. Job security is the one advantage employees can count on these days.

Low unemployment and high job creation means that nearly every American who wants to work and is able to has snagged a job by now. And those who lose their jobs, or decide to leave, probably won’t have a hard time finding another position.

I don't think you can understand this. It's my guess that you don't handle complexity very well. So, I'll just summarize: Trump is mismanaging our economy. He is selling the future and giving the proceeds to the wealthy. When a recession hits -- and it will -- within the next two years, the country will be less able to deal with it than it was in 2009.

So, no. The economy is not better under Trump. (Unless you are already rich.)
You get a lot of credit to try to educate the uninformed here.

Some people just aren't worth the effort. That guy's a joke. I was an elected union officer for a decade, I can see right through him.

I actually had to defend idiots like that in grievance hearings, even though they were lying through their teeth. I actually got sick of it and quit. Less meetings, more time with family and dogs, it all worked out for the best.


Well-Known Member
We don't need more resources. We need to claim the power we have, rework the education system we have to produce critical thinkers and not the heartless slave mentality it produces today. The future is already decided, we will be a world of jobless useless masses living in a welfare state . Do we want those masses to be eating solvent green or spending their days like socrates? The goal is so wrong right now and it's reflected in our society. Throw all the money you want at it, you can't fix it. Needs to be torn down. America has been hijinked for 50 years.
Ok ill bite, what is 50 years ago?


Well-Known Member
Just a test.

(answer true or false)

Right now the economy is better
Do you watch the world news? You should. Do you have a job?? Doubt it with those 27,000 post of yours. WOW.
Get off RIU. You have the whole world out there for you to take advantage of


Well-Known Member
Do you watch the world news? You should. Do you have a job?? Doubt it with those 27,000 post of yours. WOW.
Get off RIU. You have the whole world out there for you to take advantage of
lol that argument has never worked online i don't think. Its like rubber and glue kind of thing.


Well-Known Member
Thankfully folks are starting to hear the truth and by the next election the socialist-communist voice will become ignored not silenced like the liberals want to do.KEEP AMERICA GREAT.
so you are voluntarily shutting out the free and open press & media to get spoon fed feel good propaganda and misinformation, deliberate bullshit from an aspiring plutocrat?..."facts are stubborn things"
and what is the truth?
and ain't you kinda old to get lured into a cult?


Well-Known Member
OK, so you are cynical about our education system.

Cynicism is just another word for giving up. The difference is a cynic thinks he's smart for giving up. Same bullshit result. Even if it makes you feel better you are still a loser.
I'm not cynical about it. It does an amazing job at what it is supposed to do. America accomplishes just about everything it sets out to do. Unlike you, I am not making excuses..10X more money? Dumbest thing I have ever heard..period. We already spent more than every other country per child and you think more money is the answer? Thats like saying more salt is the answer when something is too salty. Doesn't make you a loser, I just don't think you see the problem, too much in it.


Well-Known Member
Do you watch the world news? You should. Do you have a job?? Doubt it with those 27,000 post of yours. WOW.
Get off RIU. You have the whole world out there for you to take advantage of
How has watching world news helped you? Seriously? I mean I don't know why, you just don't strike me as a world traveler and I can't imagine that watching "world news" (wtf is that by the way? American news corners about American issues across the globe or like foreign news in their native language?) has benefited you in any way shape or form.