Open Show and Tell 2015!


Well-Known Member
Mine amaze me daily, or at least some of them which are growing like fuck. south african kwazulu for sure and even the barneys farm critical kush. I got everything xplanted up into 1 gallons now so just wait to sex them before they are bumped up then another small set starting around my bday this month


Well-Known Member
If its me its all good. I may even have a trip to there US, before the year is out to get another stab at getting this project in line. Its time for a change of luck. Anyway good karma all around. Its 30 deg c here now crystal clear blue skies.


Well-Known Member
Kwazulu got trimmed today. Bunches of clones dipped in fresh aloe blades in some cups atm. Cambodian seedling and Viet sat 2. Got some girls
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I remember one day bout 10 years ago before i changed jobs i was working in a slaughterhouse and had a cookie in the morning i was so fucked up they took the knives away from me and put me on the wash down hose for the day lol
They probably would have sent me to the rubber room had I been in the US riding my bike around laughing at everything around me, like crying laughing, after eating some brownies. Here, people were laughing with me. Few years ago I had a brownie at 5, went to wake the kids up at 6 and just started rolling; wife got pissed as I woke her up in a fit of laughter, and it went on for 40 minutes then it was just in spurts for the next 2 hours. Funny shit man


Well-Known Member
I guess what I am saying is I am not afraid to get blasted on some edibles. I love the ride! Ive been in those orange hazed lsd trips so not much really trips me out anymore.

And I use those same sativa edibles as a workout enhancer. Killer bike rides with unbelieveable power bands. And its healthy. Hell I try to saturate myself 24/7/365


Well-Known Member
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Medicated cookies anyone?
Yum! I decided to whip up 2 bakers' dozen of canna-raisin-cranberry-oatmeal cookies. Two for me -- already ate 'em -- and 24 to drop off at my 66 year old, white, Southern Baptist, better-off-than-middle-class, widowed, Republican mother's house, hahahahaha. I got her off 3 prescriptions with a cookie per night and it has ballooned to one in the morning and one in the evening, lmao. Mom is getting a habit!
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Well-Known Member
Yum! I decided to whip up 2 bakers' dozen of canna-raisin-cranberry-oatmeal cookies. Two for me -- already ate 'em -- and 24 to drop off at my 66 year old, white, Southern Baptist, better-off-than-middle-class, widowed, Republican mother's house, hahahahaha. I got her off 3 prescriptions with a cookie per night and it has ballooned to one in the morning and one in the evening, lmao. Mom is getting a habit!
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Awesome smidge!!!! Granny needs to saturate her endocannabinoid system too

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Yum! I decided to whip up 2 bakers' dozen of canna-raisin-cranberry-oatmeal cookies. Two for me -- already ate 'em -- and 24 to drop off at my 66 year old, white, Southern Baptist, better-off-than-middle-class, widowed, Republican mother's house, hahahahaha. I got her off 3 prescriptions with a cookie per night and it has ballooned to one in the morning and one in the evening, lmao. Mom is getting a habit!
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That's awesome man! I'm trying to do the same with my mother, she was scared away from cannabis after smoking a chonger of some fire many years back and greened out. I'm trying to reintroduce her to cannabis in edible form!


Well-Known Member
That's awesome man! I'm trying to do the same with my mother, she was scared away from cannabis after smoking a chonger of some fire many years back and greened out. I'm trying to reintroduce her to cannabis in edible form!
I fucked her up real bad 4 years ago and she wouldn't touch it for a couple after that. Eventually I convinced her to start with a few nibbles, plus I'm better with dosing now with Fumble's butter recipe.

The first time she slept through the night in years was what sold her. She is now off her anti-anxiety shit, her restless leg syndrome shit and one of her BP meds. Her doctor freaked on her low BP and took her off one. She told him she was as stress free as she had been in years. I'm not shittin one bit here, we are talking about a woman who flipped out when she found my stash in high school during the Nancy Reagan "just say no" era. I'm talking major conservative here. Hell, she's went from the W camp to a Rand Paul supporter lol.


Well-Known Member
that's awesome Smidge :) so glad she is able to get off the meds. I've been a stoner since I'm 14, but medically since '07. I am a heart patient - had open heart surgery in 2001. I used to be on Lasix (water pill to relieve swelling around heart) and metoprolol (bp med used to control my racing heart). Plus Temazepam for sleep. Since I've been smoking every day (all day every day), I am off all of them. My blood pressure is damn near perfect every doc visit...unless I have a migraine, then it's low.

this couldn't be more true: Awesome smidge!!!! Granny needs to saturate her endocannabinoid system too

I fully believe this! was and is my only pain med for my broken shoulder :)


Well-Known Member
Miracle plant! I got rid of my skin cancer with it.

When more of the elderly conservatives figure out how well it works there will be an instant change in the way it is viewed. I was certain FL was going to pass it and start the ball rolling. The big pharma companies are shitting bricks.

I started self medicating for migraines back in 1975.


Well-Known Member
How is the slymer coming along, someguy ?? Have a friend flowering one now and he said even the fan leaves have trichomes and the stem does as well.. I have three slymer in 3 gal pots that I am going to flip to flower this weekend ;-)

Blue balz really has a blue hue to it ;-) does not show in the pic... @BobBitchen @SomeGuy

2nd pic is @Mohican Solar which is Fire balls X paki punch the most smelly plant I have grown. Smells like skunk and coffee. Not seeing reall buds form but very frosty, trichomes are almost all cloudy, milky color and looks like all pistols have gone brown.. Think I will give it another week???