One of my worst fears... is reality.


Active Member
My plants are gone...Went out this morning to check the girls and they were gone.My two 8 ft.+plants were taken from a very stealthy spot.I had both growing in a 40 gal. pot.Flowering for a week and 1/2. Oh...The first rule of outside growing is..never show them to ANYONE.I never showed them to anyone.......Life is a crap shoot.Good luck to everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit, that's fucked up! I bet your stomach just dropped when you realised they were gone.


Well-Known Member
I could not imagine what you are feeling. I would absolutely flip out, I think I'm goin to my garden to check on em. May you have good karma for next year.


Well-Known Member
no the #1 rule is dont ever tell anyone

im sorry dude, those plants hardly had buds on them, what good is it unless the people want to hold on to them for 6 more weeks. i say you go hunt them down, those are your babies were talking about

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.No..I've been ready for it from the start.Shit happens.
Dude, I got ripped last year and the sad part about it was, they didn't steal them, they murdered them by taking them while they was just starting to bud. what a waste!!!


Active Member
i feel the pain,my 5 auto ak's about a week away from harvest were stolen out of s playhouse in my back garden,couldnt beleive it,pots,and no plants,its maddening.

yeh,never tell or show anyone at all,keep it all to yourself,i made that mistake,now mine are gone


Well-Known Member
they were 8ft tall in 40 gal pot thats gotta weight like 100+ pounds? that would be hard as fuck to carry


Well-Known Member
8ft tall and in 40 gallon buckets? I can't imagine how a ripper would get those out of there... Although I guess anything is possible. If you are sure that it was not found by Law Enforcement then my guess would be a ripper may have relocated them somewhere nearby until they are finished flowering. It's a hard call to make whether or not to go look for them. Most people would consider them gone and going back would be too risky. Personally I would be too pissed and would prob go looking for 'em. Sorry about your loss bro.


that sucks to hear if they were smart they will just bloom the plants out fully for themselves


Well-Known Member
they were 8ft tall in 40 gal pot thats gotta weight like 100+ pounds? that would be hard as fuck to carry
true but well worth it im sure... sry bout ur loss but like u said,"shit happens" outdoors is a gamble... could be worse tho... coulda went to harvest as popo rolled up and then u get a charge and lose ur dope.... better luck next yr


that sucks 2 8 foot tall plus female plants that just started to bud man that would have yielded you pounds


all you can do is forget about it and pick a better spot next time


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that dude, I have the same fear in the back of my mind... I thought I had a very stealthy spot but after poking around, I found a trail about 200 meters off from my grow site, I don't know if its well traveled or what so I am just going to cross my fingers. Good luck next time around~~~Dude