One of my little babies stalks has broken!!!!!!! HELP!


Active Member
Okay I have a about a week and a half old Nirvana short rider with a broken stalk. I put a computer fan in the grow box last night and it made it fall over... its still nice and green but wont stand up what so ever by its self. so I straightend out a small part of a wire hanger and put a small loop on it and stuck it in the soil next to the plant to hold it up. Do you think it will make it since it is so young and is there naything else i can do?


Active Member
It'll probably make it, these plants are pretty resilient. A few days ago I dropped a table on my 35 day into flower Blueberry Trainwreck, wrapped the break (it was complete but it was close) with a piece of cotton cloth and use a couple Popsicle sticks to splint the stem and she seems fine, each day I mist down the cloth to make sure that enough moisture is getting to the plant but other than that she still looks great.


Well-Known Member
similar to benign, i cut a straw piece about 2 inches then slit it down the middle, placed it over the break and loosely taped it in place. couple days later good as new. There is a technique called super-cropping. Similar to breaking it without breaking it. :) search it if you dont know what it is. ;)


Active Member
you can also bury the young seedling a little deeper in medium, its young and wont affect it, you wont have to use anything to prop it either, just have the top leaves above the soil.